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Periphyton Community sentence examples within Natural Periphyton Community

Engineering of bio-mimetic substratum topographies for enhanced early colonization of filamentous algae

Ecological responses of periphyton dry mass and epilithic diatom community structure for different atrazine and temperature scenarios

Periphyton Community sentence examples within periphyton community composition

Periphyton development during summer stratification in the presence of a metalimnetic bloom of Planktothrix rubescens

The impact of applying rice straw substrates on periphyton and plankton abundance and community composition

Responses of periphyton on non-plant substrates to different macrophytes under various nitrogen concentrations: A mesocosm study

Microcystis wesenbergii (Komárek) Komárek ex Komárek, 2006 (Cyanophyceae) ― новый вид для прибрежья Крыма Чёрного моря

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Periphyton Community 주변 식물 커뮤니티

Periphyton Community 주변 식물 커뮤니티
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