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Perceptual Information sentence examples within real world environment

Precision of Low-Cost Augmented Reality in Prefabricated Cutting Guide for Fibular Free Flap Surgery.

An Augmented Reality Application to Teach Human Anatomy to Secondary School Students

Perceptual Information sentence examples within Generated Perceptual Information

Precision of Low-Cost Augmented Reality in Prefabricated Cutting Guide for Fibular Free Flap Surgery.

An Augmented Reality Application to Teach Human Anatomy to Secondary School Students

Perceptual Information sentence examples within Rich Perceptual Information

Mindfulness and false memories: state and dispositional mindfulness does not increase false memories for naturalistic scenes presented in a virtual environment.

PRECOG: PREdiction Conditioned on Goals in Visual Multi-Agent Settings

Perceptual Information sentence examples within New Perceptual Information

Age-related deficits in rapid visuomotor decision-making

Age-related deficits in rapid visuomotor decision-making.

Perceptual Information sentence examples within Relevant Perceptual Information

Evidence for a single mechanism gating perceptual and long-term memory information into working memory

No Effect of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation over Left Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex on Temporal Attention

Perceptual Information sentence examples within Temporal Perceptual Information

A Spatial-Temporal Weighted Method for Asymmetrically Distorted Stereo Video Quality Assessment

Objective Perceptual Video Quality Prediction Using Spatial and Temporal Information Differences

Perceptual Information sentence examples within Time Perceptual Information

Real-Time Prediction of Remaining Useful Life and Preventive Maintenance Strategy Based on Digital Twin

Cognitive structure adaptive particle filter for radar manoeuvring target tracking

Perceptual Information sentence examples within Complicated Perceptual Information

A New Discovery on Visual Information Dynamic Changes from Retina to V2

A new discovery on visual information dynamic changes from V1 to V2: corner encoding

Perceptual Information sentence examples within Available Perceptual Information

Collision avoidance behaviors of recently concussed female rugby players with an approaching person.

Review: Approaches to Visual-motor Control in Baseball Batting

Perceptual Information sentence examples within Level Perceptual Information

Hierarchical Attention Maps for Super Resolution

Image Aesthetics Assessment Based on Multi-stream CNN Architecture and Saliency Features

Perceptual Information sentence examples within perceptual information provided

Rethinking the McGurk effect as a perceptual illusion.

A Soundwalk in the heart of Poblenou superblock in Barcelona: Preliminary study of the acoustic events

Choice-related activity and neural encoding in primary auditory cortex and lateral belt during feature selective attention.

Racemization in Post-Translational Modifications Relevance to Protein Aging, Aggregation and Neurodegeneration: Tip of the Iceberg


Linguistic Relativity and Flexibility of Mental Representations: Color Terms in a Frame Based Analysis

Perceptual perplexity and parameter parsimony

Globally and Locally Semantic Colorization via Exemplar-Based Broad-GAN

Spatially adjacent regions in posterior cingulate cortex represent familiar faces at different levels of complexity.

Linking the brain with behaviour: the neural dynamics of success and failure in goal-directed behaviour

Taking aim at the perceptual side of motor learning: Exploring how explicit and implicit learning encode perceptual error information through depth vision

Learning Faces as Concepts Improves Face Recognition by Engaging the Social Brain Network.

DeCapsGAN: generative adversarial capsule network for image denoising

The Impact of Action Effects on Infants’ Predictive Gaze Shifts for a Non-Human Grasping Action at 7, 11, and 18 Months

A framework of physically interactive parameter estimation based on active environmental groping for safe disaster response work

Dyadic Entrainment. An Overwhelming and Modality-Dependent Phenomenon.

Data-driven computational models reveal perceptual simulation in word processing

Evidence for two distinct thalamocortical circuits in retrosplenial cortex

A Hierarchical Attractor Network Model of perceptual versus intentional decision updates

Taking aim at the perceptual side of motor learning: Exploring how explicit and implicit learning encode perceptual error information through depth vision.

What Cognitive Mechanism, When, Where, and Why? Exploring the Decision Making of University and Professional Rugby Union Players During Competitive Matches

Multifractality in postural sway supports quiet eye training in aiming tasks: A study of golf putting.

Developmental differences across the lifespan in the use of perceptual information to guide action-based decisions.

Perceptual and Pixel-Wise Information for Visual Novelty Detection

Modality-specific attractor dynamics in dyadic entrainment

Evidence for a visual bias when recalling complex narratives

Perceptual Decision-Making in Children: Age-Related Differences and EEG Correlates

Does Perceiving Throwabiliy Require a Task Specific Device?

Mechanisms of action-modulated vision: behavioural and EEG investigations of motor-visual priming

Segmental contributions to cochlear implant speech perception

The role of interaction and predictability in the spontaneous entrainment of movement.

Drawing pictures at encoding enhances memory in healthy older adults and in individuals with probable dementia

As you like it: Understanding the relationship between packing design and accessibility

Spatiotemporal Analysis of Event-related Current Density Reveals Dissociable Effects of Arousal and Valence on Emotional Picture Processing

Confidence of emotion expression recognition recruits brain regions outside the face perception network

Perceptions or Actions? Grounding How Agents Interact Within a Software Architecture for Cognitive Robotics

Violence without a Face: the Analysis of Testimonies of Women Who Were Sexually Assaulted During the War in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The format of mental imagery: from a critical review to an integrated embodied representation approach

Shape Based Image Retrieval Using Fused Features

The role of levels of processing in disentangling the ERP signatures of conscious visual processing

Tahrir patterns in a professional Iranian classical singer

Differences between empathy for face and body pain: Cognitive and neural responses

Taking it out of context: The role of contextual coherence during social event segmentation

Wasserstein generative adversarial network based De-Blurring using perceptual similarity

The Sidney Licht Lectureship Award 2017: Novel Options for Restoration of Discrete Functions Following Brain Damage

Language and perception: Introduction to the Special Issue “Speakers and Listeners in the Visual World”

Global broadcasting of local fractal fluctuations in a bodywide distributed system supports perception via effortful touch

Multisensory Influences on Driver Steering During Curve Navigation

Believing is representation mediated by the dopamine brain system

Cognitive load eliminates the effect of perceptual information on judgments of learning with sentences

Age Affects How Task Difficulty and Complexity Modulate Perceptual Decision-Making

A computational account of threat-related attentional bias

Ecological psychology is radical enough: A reply to radical enactivists

Stereoscopic image quality assessment by deep convolutional neural network

A Comparative Study of Bio-Inspired Odour Source Localisation Strategies from the State-Action Perspective

Learning to Remember Words: Memory Constraints as Double‐Edged Sword Mechanisms of Language Development

Adults with autism spectrum disorder are sensitive to the kinematic features defining natural human motion

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Perceptual Information 지각 정보

Perceptual Information 지각 정보
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