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Pd Location sentence examples within pd location accuracy

Research on Partial Discharge Source Positioning in Switchgear Based on PSO

Partial discharge location of power cables based on an improved single-terminal method

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Research on improved time difference estimation algorithm based on fourth-order cumulant in UHF PD location

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Converting a British-era hospital into a state-of-the-art COVID-19 care centre

Detection of Partial Discharge in Oil Filled-Tank using Acoustic in Audio Frequency

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Investigation on Partial Discharge Localization in Oil Based on Time of Arrival Method

Detection and Localization of Partial Discharge in Connectors of Air Power Lines by Means of Ultrasonic Measurements and Artificial Intelligence Models

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Detection, Classification and Location of Sources of Partial Discharges Using the Radiometric Method: Trends, Challenges and Open Issues

A Method for the Localization of Partial Discharge Sources in Transformers Using TDOA and Truncated Singular Value Decomposition

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Research on PD source successive approximation positioning method based on multi sample information

Apply Ray Tracing to Back Track Partial Discharge in Transformer Based on Combined Array Sensor

Review of direction of arrival estimation algorithms for partial discharge localisation in transformers

UHF Measurement in Power Transformers: An Algorithm to Optimize Accuracy of Arrival Time Detection and PD Localization

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Partial Discharge Monitoring via a Novel Curve Fitting Coefficients Method in Power Transformers

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Experiences in Nonconventional Partial Discharge Measurement for Gas-Insulated Substation in Thailand

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Resilient design of biomass to energy system considering uncertainty in biomass supply

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Diagnostics for Vacuum Degree of Vacuum Interrupter Based on Partial Discharge Mechanisms Under Medium Vacuum Level

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Pd Location PD 위치

Pd Location PD 위치
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