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Impact of ‘Dining atmospherics’ and ‘Percived food-quality’ on customer re-patronage intention in fast-casual restaurants

Effects of 3D vs 2D interfaces and product-coordination methods

Healthcare branding: Insights from Africa into health service customers’ repeat patronage intentions

Customers’ behavioral responses to unfavorable pricing errors: the role of perceived deception, dissatisfaction and price consciousness

A Building’s Design Quality: Measuring the Esoteric

Green attributes of restaurants: Do consumers, owners, and managers think alike?

Chatbot advertising effectiveness: When does the message get through?

The effect of consumer emotions on outcome behaviors following service failure

The impact of retailscape elements, customer mood and customer pleasure on customer re-patronage intentions

Perceived justice and CSR after service recovery

Intention to implement corporate social responsibility – The role of religiousness and ethical idealism

Employee satisfaction trajectories and their effect on customer satisfaction and repatronage intentions

Shopping streets vs malls: preferences of low-income consumers

Self/other oriented green experiential values: Measurement and impact on hotel-consumer relationship

Psychological Needs, Passion, and Consumer Re-Patronage Intentions to The Performing Arts

U.S. Consumers’ Perception of Asian Brands’ Cultural Authenticity and Its Impact on Perceived Quality, Trust, and Patronage Intention

Do service firm employee and customer relations matter for customer forgiveness in service recovery

The critical role of customer forgiveness in successful service recovery

Can online service recovery interventions benignly alter customers’ negative review evaluations? Evidence from the hotel industry

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Patronage Intentions 후원 의도

Patronage Intentions 후원 의도
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