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Participation Levels sentence examples within Sport Participation Levels

Cognitive evaluation of subjective well-being among healthy women with the different sport participation level

Rehabilitation duration and time of starting sport-related activities associated with return to the previous level of sports after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.

Participation Levels sentence examples within Social Participation Levels

Associations between Socioeconomic Status, Social Participation, and Physical Activity in Older People during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study in a Northern Japanese City

Social participation in widowhood: Evidence from a 12-year panel.

Participation Levels sentence examples within High Participation Levels

Design and implementation of a multifaceted injury prevention intervention in Bedouin children in southern Israel

Examining the Dynamic of Participation Level on Group Contribution in a Global, STEM-Focused Digital Makerspace Community

Participation Levels sentence examples within Low Participation Levels

Factors Correlated with Home Gardening in Gauteng Province, South Africa

The Politics of the Mundane

Participation Levels sentence examples within Different Participation Levels

Load Frequency Control Design of Two Area Interconnected Power System Using GWO

Exploring emotional and cognitive dynamics of Knowledge Building in grades 1 and 2

Participation Levels sentence examples within Lower Participation Levels

“Everyone sees you sitting there struggling with your food”: experiences of adolescents and young adults with cerebral palsy

Building Capacity of Community Sport Clubs to Increase Female Participation

Participation Levels sentence examples within Market Participation Levels

The Value of Connections: Network Effects on Stock Market Participation

Education and Children’s Work: Spain, Latin America, and Developing Countries

Participation Levels sentence examples within Increase Participation Levels

The ‘ideal’ PE Kit to help reduce Body Image concerns within Adolescent Girls

Transformation and Social Justice in South African Higher Education: An Unequal Turf

Participation Levels sentence examples within Community Participation Levels

Is the presence of home entrance steps associated with community participation of people with mobility impairments?

Solid Waste Quantity, Composition and Characteristic, and Its Current Management at Elephant Study Center (Surin, Thailand)

Participation Levels sentence examples within Program Participation Levels

Association of organizational factors with knowledge of effectiveness indicators and participation in corporate health and productivity management programs

A Focus Group and Key Informant Interview Study of Experience with the NYC Health & Hospitals Options Program

Childhood factors predict participation of young adults with cerebral palsy in domestic life and interpersonal relationships: a prospective cohort study

Reflections of patients and therapists on a multidisciplinary rehabilitation programme for persons with brachial plexus injuries

Trends in Volunteering in Scandinavia

Not a Painless Condition: Rheumatological and Musculoskeletal Symptoms in Type 2 Diabetes, and the Implications for Exercise Participation.

Comparing participation outcome over time across international stroke cohorts: outcomes and methods.

Functional outcomes after flexor tendon repair of the hand.

Participation of Bussiness Actors in Conservation Activity at Gunung Tangkuban Perahu Nature Tourism Park

Teenage predictors of participation of adults with cerebral palsy in domestic life and interpersonal relationships: A 13-year follow-up study.

A behavioral analysis of farmers during land reallocation processes of land consolidation in China: Insights from Guangxi and Shandong provinces

Spinal manipulation after multiple fusions in an adult with scoliosis: a case report

Students’ performance and perceptions on continuous assessment. Redefining a chemical engineering subject in the European higher education area

Physical activity, including active commuting, and health status of rural school children in South Africa

First Year of the UQ Sustainable Energy MicroMasters Series: Evaluation of Participation and Achievement

Training and development in small professional services firms

Physical activity and exercise interventions for people with rare neurological disorders : a scoping review of systematic reviews

Learn more from Participation Levels 참여 수준

Participation Levels 참여 수준

Participation Levels 참여 수준
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