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Participation Behaviors sentence examples within value co creation

Relationship between consumer participation behaviors and consumer stickiness on mobile short video social platform under the development of ICT: based on value co-creation theory perspective

Business Model Innovation of IT-Enabled Customer Participating in Value Co-Creation Based on the Affordance Theory: A Case Study

Participation Behaviors sentence examples within Public Participation Behaviors

Investigating the Relationship between Public Satisfaction and Public Environmental Participation during Government Treatment of Urban Malodorous Black River in China

A Social Media Mining and Ensemble Learning Model: Application to Luxury and Fast Fashion Brands

Effects of Arts Integration Approach on Parent-Child Education

Building Guanxi network in the mobile social platform: A social capital perspective

A Tale of Two Movements: Egypt During the Arab Spring and Occupy Wall Street

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Participation Behaviors 참여 행동

Participation Behaviors 참여 행동
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