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OR21-4 Heart Health 4 Moms: A Randomized Trial to Reduce Cardiovascular Risk in Women with Recent Preeclampsia

Soil health pilot study in England: Outcomes from an on-farm earthworm survey

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Summaries of Articles

Advancing urban adaptation where it counts: reshaping unequal knowledge and resource diffusion in networked Indonesian cities

Congregate Meal Program-How Can We Make It More Appealing? (P16-014-19).

Enrollment Strategies, Barriers to Participation, and Reach of a Workplace Intervention Targeting Sedentary Behavior

An Investigation into the Barriers for University Students to the Use of Recreation Areas.

“I find the whole enterprise daunting”: Staff understanding of Open Education initiatives within a UK university

Understanding Participants’ Perceptions of Access to and Satisfaction With Chronic Disease Prevention Programs

Representative Government in the Era of Improved Communication

Educación inclusiva para la ciudadanía europea: el doble itinerario

Study protocol of a randomized controlled trial on two new dissemination strategies for a brief, shared-decision-making (SDM) training for oncologists: web-based interactive SDM online-training versus individualized context-based SDM face-to-face training

Design-based research principles for successful peer tutoring on social media

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Participation Barriers 참여 장벽

Participation Barriers 참여 장벽
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