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Participation Across sentence examples within Political Participation Across

Teaching Citizenship: Race and the Behavioral Effects of American Civic Education

Political participation and basic values in Europe: Replication and extension of Vecchione et al. (2015).

Participation Across sentence examples within Increase Participation Across

P074 Insights into creating a virtual patient and public involvement initiative

Threatened by AI: Analyzing Users’ Responses to the Introduction of AI in a Crowd-sourcing Platform

Participation Across sentence examples within Force Participation Across

Does Vocational Training Promote Female Labour Force Participation? An Analysis for India

Gender Imbalances and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from Large-Scale Mexican Migration

Participation Across sentence examples within Sport Participation Across

The experiences and perceived health benefits of individuals with a disability participating in sport: A systematic review and narrative synthesis.

Gender Equality and Tourism: Beyond Empowerment

Participation Across sentence examples within Indigenou Participation Across

Bridging Indigenous and science-based knowledge in coastal and marine research, monitoring, and management in Canada

War, memory, and indigenous service

Participation Across sentence examples within Female Participation Across

Gender Representation at Neurological Surgery Conferences.

Collaboration and Female Representation in Academic Fields

Participation Across sentence examples within Gender Participation Across

Financial inclusion across major Indian states: some spatial panel econometric evidence

The Missing Cohort: Women in Local Government in Australia

Participation Across sentence examples within Protest Participation Across

More than Recruitment: How Social Ties Support Protest Participation

Online News and Protest Participation in a Political Context: Evidence from Self-Reported Cross-Sectional Data

Participation Across sentence examples within participation across different

Qualitative Evaluation of a Social Cognitive Training Program for Parents of Children with Autism from Hong Kong

Practical Considerations for Public Participation in Constitution-Building: What, When, How and Why?

Participation Across sentence examples within participation across group

Immediate and Delayed Reactions to Trauma-related Laboratory Research Among Rape Survivors and Controls

Demographic Accounting Models

Participation Across sentence examples within participation across time

ICOS Science Conference 2020

Countering the Misguided Interpretations of Fashion Shows and Thug Life: A Material-Cultural Analysis of Hmong Father and Son’s Experience in School(s)

Participation Across sentence examples within participation across age

Rock the Registration: Same Day Registration Increases Turnout of Young Voters

The Party Goes On: U.S. Young Adults’ Partisanship and Political Engagement Across Age and Historical Time

Participation Across sentence examples within participation across multiple

Threatened by AI: Analyzing Users’ Responses to the Introduction of AI in a Crowd-sourcing Platform

Threatened by AI: Analyzing Users’ Responses to the Introduction of AI in a Crowd-sourcing Platform

More Participation Across 참여 sentence examples

Using educational robotics to foster girls’ interest in STEM: A systematic review

Participation patterns and predictors of participation in preschool children with developmental disability

A Changing Climate for Knowledge Generation in Agriculture: Lessons to Institutionalize Science-Policy Engagement

Diagnostic radiological examinations and risk of intracranial tumours in adults-findings from the Interphone Study.

The Ecology Underground coalition: building a collaborative future of belowground ecology and ecologists

Longitudinal participation in delivery and payment reform programs among US Primary Care Organizations.

More Participation Across 참여 sentence examples

Physical Education, Sports, and Gender

Effects of a Co-Design–Based Invitation Strategy on Participation in a Preventive Health Check Program: Randomized Controlled Trial

Implementation and Evaluation of Wright’s Competency Model

Patterns and predictors of participation in children and adolescents with spina bifida

Trajectories of Parent Participation in Early Intervention/Prevention Services: The Case for Flexible Paraprofessional-led Services.

Hoping for optimality or designing for inclusion: Persistence, learning, and the social network of citizen science

Moving beyond league table standings: How measures of opportunity to learn can inform educational quality and policy directives?

Visual Analytics: Design Study for Exploratory Analytics on Peer Profiles, Activity and Learning Performance for MOOC Forum Activity Assessment

Participation Across 참여

Participation Across 참여
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