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Paretic Arm sentence examples within paretic arm movement

Time course of sensorimotor cortex reorganization during upper extremity task accompanying motor recovery early after stroke: An fNIRS study.

Effects of non-paretic arm movements during bridge exercises on trunk muscle activity in stroke patients

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Combination of Exoskeletal Upper Limb Robot and Occupational Therapy Improve Activities of Daily Living Function in Acute Stroke Patients.

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Neglect May Not Impact Real-World Paretic Arm Use in the Chronic Stage of Stroke Recovery

Comparison of Objective Indicators of Proprioception of Single–joint Arm Movements in Healthy Subjects and Post–Stroke Patients in Sitting and Lying Positions

Influence of bimanual exercise on muscle activation in post-stroke patients

Novel Neural Interfaces For Upper-Limb Motor Rehabilitation After Stroke

Upper limb motor improvement in chronic stroke after combining botulinum toxin A injection and multi-joints robot-assisted therapy: a case report

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Bimanual wheelchair propulsion by people with severe hemiparesis after stroke.

[The integral estimation of health problems and effectiveness of stage rehabilitation in patients after ischemic stroke].

Musical Sonification of Arm Movements in Stroke Rehabilitation Yields Limited Benefits

Intervention-Induced Changes in Cortical Connectivity and Activity in Severe Chronic Hemiparetic Stroke

Electromyography as a Suitable Input for Virtual Reality-Based Biofeedback in Stroke Rehabilitation

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The model of bobath clinical practice: a commentary on Michielsen et al

A Paradigm Shift: Rehabilitation Robotics, Cognitive Skills Training, and Function After Stroke

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Quantification of energy expenditure during daily living activities after stroke by multi-sensor

Detecting compensatory movements of stroke survivors using pressure distribution data and machine learning algorithms

Automatic Detection of Compensatory Movement Patterns by a Pressure Distribution Mattress Using Machine Learning Methods: A Pilot Study

Accuracy of Individuals Post-hemiparetic Stroke in Matching Torques Between Arms Depends on the Arm Referenced

Effects of Hand Configuration on the Grasping, Holding, and Placement of an Instrumented Object in Patients With Hemiparesis

Outcome of hand surgery in children with spasticity – a 9-year follow-up study

Actigraphic measurement of the upper limbs movements in acute stroke patients

Impaired posture, movement preparation, and execution during both paretic and nonparetic reaching following stroke.

Exo-Wrist: A Soft Tendon-Driven Wrist-Wearable Robot With Active Anchor for Dart-Throwing Motion in Hemiplegic Patients

The Pragmatic Classification of Upper Extremity Motion in Neurological Patients: A Primer

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Paretic Arm 마비된 팔

Paretic Arm 마비된 팔
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