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Pain Events sentence examples within Chest Pain Events

Symptom description in patients with chest pain-A qualitative analysis of emergency medical calls involving high-risk conditions.

A rare but treatable cause of recurrent chest pain - Ictal chest pain

Pain Events sentence examples within Occlusive Pain Events

Normal saline bolus use in pediatric emergency departments is associated with poorer pain control in children with sickle cell anemia and vaso‐occlusive pain

Resolution of Acute Priapism in Two Children with Sickle Cell Disease who Received Nitrous Oxide.

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Coagulopathy in Sickle Cell Disease

Nile tilapia skin xenograft versus silver-based hydrofiber dressing in the treatment of second-degree burns in adults

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The association of early life stressors with pain sensitivity and pain experience at 22 years.

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Pain Events 통증 이벤트

Pain Events 통증 이벤트
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