Discover more insights into Oriented Object 지향된 객체

Keywords frequently search together with Oriented Object 지향된 객체

Narrow sentence examples with built-in keyword filters

Oriented Object sentence examples within horizontal bounding box

Multi-level Feature Selection for Oriented Object Detection

Multi-Oriented License Plate Detection Based On Convolutional Neural Networks

Oriented Object sentence examples within Existing Oriented Object

Polar Ray: A Single-stage Angle-free Detector for Oriented Object Detection in Aerial Images

Single Shot Anchor Refinement Network for Oriented Object Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Imagery

Oriented Object sentence examples within Socially Oriented Object


Recent optimization models and trends in location, relocation, and dispatching of emergency medical vehicles

Learn more from Oriented Object 지향된 객체

Oriented Object sentence examples within Lightweight Oriented Object

Lightweight Oriented Object Detection Using Multiscale Context and Enhanced Channel Attention in Remote Sensing Images

LO-Det: Lightweight Oriented Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images

Oriented Object sentence examples within Arbitrary Oriented Object

Scattering Keypoints Guided Network for Oriented Ship Detection in High-Resolution and Large-Scale SAR Images

Efficient Hybrid Supervision for Instance Segmentation in Aerial Images

Oriented Object sentence examples within oriented object detection

Center-Boundary Dual Attention for Oriented Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images

Oriented Object Detection with Fine-Grained Enhancement and Angle Constraint

Oriented Object sentence examples within oriented object programming

Determination of an Efficient Method to Solve the Guarini Puzzle Generalization Using Bipartite Graph

Study on Development of 3D Analytic Geometry Interactive Software

Oriented Object sentence examples within oriented object detector

Bag of Tricks for Building an Accurate and Slim Object Detector for Embedded Applications

LO-Det: Lightweight Oriented Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images

A Quasi-Dimensional Fuel Distribution Model for a Radially Stratified Engine

A branch-and-cut algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with drones

DoubleRYOLO: Rotated Prohibited Item Detection for X-ray Security Inspection System

New performance measures for object tracking under complex environments

A mixed-integer linear programming formulation for assembly line balancing problem with human-robot shared tasks

Multi-scale graph attention subspace clustering network

Stochastic multi-objective integrated disassembly-reprocessing-reassembly scheduling via fruit fly optimization algorithm

Antik Kaynaklar’dan Materyal Kültüre Bir Mezar Kontekstinin Okunması – Parion’dan (Efsanevi) Ophiogen Sülalesi (?) Mensubu Bir Şifacı Mezarı

“Blackness is not just a single definition”: multimodal composition as an exercise for surfacing and scaffolding student theorizing in a Black Studies classroom

Solution procedures for block selection and sequencing in flat-bedded potash underground mines

Integrated line configuration and frequency determination with passenger path assignment in urban rail transit networks

A Multistakeholder Approach to the Airport Gate Assignment Problem: Application of Fuzzy Theory for Optimal Performance Indicator Selection

Multi-objective optimization model for airport gate assignment problem

Distributionally robust last-train coordination planning problem with dwell time adjustment strategy

Africa’s Development and Post Covid-19 Emerging Opportunities: Towards a Political Economic Model for Strengthening Intra Africa Trade and National/Regional Competitiveness in Response to Global Supply Chain Disruption

Thinking about the Legacy of Peacebuilding Programs

Planning of Protected Areas as a Mean of Addressing Concepts of Resilience and Sustainability

Self-Adaptive Aspect Ratio Anchor for Oriented Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images

Optimizing consolidation processes in hubs: The hub-arrival-departure problem

Pricing Strategies in Pork-based Agribusinesses: Evidence from Zimbabwe

At the Foot of the Grave: Challenging Collective Memories of Violence in Post-Franco Spain

Oriented Objects as pairs of Middle Lines

Explaining ambidextrous leadership in the aerospace and defense organizations

A Resource Oriented Route Selection Framework Using Contextual Information Based on Fuzzy Logic

Formation of Leading Universities: World Practice and Russian Perspective

Video Summarization using Submodular Convex Optimization with Dynamic Support Vector Machine for Forest Fire Sequence Classification

Augmented Reality Interfaces for Semi-Autonomous Drones

Designing area pricing schemes to minimize travel disutility and exposure to pollutants

Data-driven modelling of a R744 refrigeration system with parallel compression configuration.

Diversity of Processing Times in Permutation Flow Shop Scheduling Problems

QuesNet: A Unified Representation for Heterogeneous Test Questions

Moving the ecosystem-based fisheries management mountain begins by shifting small stones: A critical analysis of EBFM on the U.S. West Coast

Cities and climate change – examining advantages and challenges of urban climate change experiments

Comparative study of face detection methods in spontaneous videos

Speech Enhancement Using End-to-End Speech Recognition Objectives

A Novel Aspect-Guided Deep Transition Model for Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis

Future-oriented objects.

Candidate Generation with Binary Codes for Large-Scale Top-N Recommendation

Smoke Sense Initiative Leverages Citizen Science to Address the Growing Wildfire‐Related Public Health Problem

Effects of pay-for-performance for primary care physicians on diabetes outcomes in single-payer health systems: a systematic review

Peri-urban promises of connectivity: Linking project-led polycentrism to the infrastructure scramble

Combining territory and competitiveness in EU Regional Policy? Analyzing ERDF investment profiles in regions with specific geographical features

Learning Goal-Oriented Visual Dialog Agents: Imitating and Surpassing Analytic Experts

Learn more from Oriented Object 지향된 객체

Oriented Object 지향된 객체

Oriented Object 지향된 객체
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