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Personalized approach to growth hormone replacement in adults.

Epidemiology of gallbladder cancer

Near Adult Height in Girls with Turner Syndrome Treated with Growth Hormone Following Either Induced or Spontaneous Puberty.

Laboratory investigations in the diagnosis and follow-up of GH-related disorders.

Effects of Estrogen Therapies on Outcomes in Turner Syndrome: Assessment of Induction of Puberty and Adult Estrogen Use.

Estradiol in non-oral hormonal contraception: a “long and winding road”

Abstract P4-10-14: Impact of route of administration of estradiol (oral vs. transdermal) on genotoxic estrogens concentrations in girls with ovarian failure due to Turner syndrome: Potential implications for breast cancer prevention

Comparison of daily vaginal progesterone gel plus weekly intramuscular progesterone with daily intramuscular progesterone for luteal phase support in single, autologous euploid frozen-thawed embryo transfers

The Use of Transdermal Estrogen in Castrate-resistant, Steroid-refractory Prostate Cancer.

A critical appraisal of vasomotor symptom assessment tools used in clinical trials evaluating hormone therapy compared to placebo.

Cardiovascular Risk/Benefit Profile of MHT

Will estradiol/progesterone capsules for oral use become the best choice for menopausal hormone therapy?

Frozen-thawed blastocyst transfer in natural cycle increase implantation rates compared artificial cycle

Learn more from Oral Estrogen 경구 에스트로겐

Oral Estrogen 경구 에스트로겐

Oral Estrogen 경구 에스트로겐
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