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Optimal storage sizing of energy storage for peak shaving in presence of uncertainties in distributed energy management systems

Shape optimization of preform tools in forging of aerofoil using a metamodel-assisted multi-island genetic algorithm

Optimal Object sentence examples within Primal Optimal Object

Improving ADMMs for solving doubly nonnegative programs through dual factorization

Improving ADMMs for Solving Doubly Nonnegative Programs through Dual Factorization

Optimal Object sentence examples within optimal object position

Visual node prediction for visual tracking

X-ray dark-field imaging with a single absorption grating

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A multi-agent based cooperative approach to decentralized multi-project scheduling and resource allocation

A novel operation strategy based on black hole algorithm to optimize combined cooling, heating, and power-ground source heat pump system

Optimizing Centralized Dispatching of Flexible Feeder Transit considering Transfer Coordination with Regular Public Transit

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Моделирование оптимальной оптической системы ввода/вывода излучения для реализации эффективного зондового усиления электромагнитного поля для случая непрозрачных образцов

Análisis de la situación de la normativa sancionadora en materia de bienestar animal en el sector ganadero, ¿quedan aspectos en los que avanzar?.

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Data-driven Branch-and-bound Algorithms for Constrained Simulation-based Optimization

A Coordinated Optimal Strategy for Voltage and Reactive Power Control with Adaptive Amplitude Limiter Based on Flexible Excitation System

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Fuzzy Programming of Dual Recycling Channels of Sustainable Multi-objective Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) based on Triple Bottom Line (TBL) Theory

A novel multi-agent model for chemical self-assembly

Evaluation Of Algorithm Performance For Simulated Square And Non-Square Logistic Assignment Problems

Multi-verse optimizer based parameters decision with considering tool life in dry hobbing process

Model Prediction and Rule Based Energy Management Strategy for a Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle With Hybrid Energy Storage System

Approximating the Median under the Ulam Metric

Controller design for underwater robotic vehicle based on improved whale optimization algorithm

An optimal design model for tunnel lighting systems

Optimal biomass allocation to the German bioeconomy based on conflicting economic and environmental objectives

Integrated I-125 Seed Implantation Combined with Transarterial Chemoembolization for Treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Main Portal Vein Tumor Thrombus

A note on semi-infinite program bounding methods

Analysis and Optimization of Energy Consumption in Two-Machine Bernoulli Lines With General Bounds on Machine Efficiency

Mathematical modeling and heuristic approaches to optimize shared parking resources: A case study of Beijing, China

Integrated Cutting and Packing Heterogeneous Precast Beams Multiperiod Production Planning Problem

A novel multicriteria decision‐making approach with unknown weight information under q‐rung orthopair fuzzy environment

A Novel Three-Vector-Based Model Predictive Direct Power Control for Three-Phase PWM Rectifier

Parallel constraint solving for combinatorial problems

Comparison of representative heuristic algorithmsfor integrated reservoir optimal operation

Optimal design of magnetically suspended high-speed rotor in turbo-molecular pump

A power and thermal-aware virtual machine management framework based on machine learning

The convergence of the Generalized Lanczos Trust-Region Method for the Trust-Region Subproblem

Unavailability-Aware Shared Virtual Backup Allocation for Middleboxes: A Queueing Approach

Multi Ceramic Particles Inclusion in the Aluminium Matrix and Wear Characterization through Experimental and Response Surface-Artificial Neural Networks

Optimal water use strategies for mitigating high urban temperatures

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GRADES: Gradient Descent for Similarity Caching

On the Complexity of Computing Maximum and Minimum Min‐Cost‐Flows

An optimal lens arrangement in high numerical aperture objectives

A relative robust approach on expected returns with bounded CVaR for portfolio selection

Robust Conic Satisficing

Differential Privacy Stochastic Gradient Descent with Adaptive Privacy Budget Allocation

An adaptive extraction method for rail crack acoustic emission signal under strong wheel-rail rolling noise of high-speed railway

Classifying a type of brain disorder in children: an effective fMRI based deep attempt

Using PSO Algorithm to Compensate Power Loss Due to the Aeroelastic Effect of the Wind Turbine Blade

An optimization analysis of the rapidity and maneuverability of an inland SWATH-USV

An optimal network screening method of hotspot identification for highway crashes with dynamic site length.

Two Time-Scale Edge Caching and BS Association for Power-Delay Tradeoff in Multi-Cell Networks

Research on Task Priority Model and Algorithm for Satellite Scheduling Problem

Automatic Truss Design Based on Topology Optimization and Image Processing Techniques

A lower bound generating procedure for a fixed charge capacitated multimodal transportation problem

Towards Improving Merging Heuristics for Binary Decision Diagrams

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The network maintenance problem on an arc with uncapacitated repair

Optimization Design for Structure Parameters of Six Degree-of-Freedom (DOF) Positioner of Secondary Mirror in a Space Optical Remote Sensor Based on ADAMS

Optimization on Nonlinear Dynamics of Gear Rattle in Automotive Transmission System

Optimizing multiscale segmentation with local spectral heterogeneity measure for high resolution remote sensing images

Bi-objective optimization models for network interdiction

A robust optimization model for prosumer microgrids considering uncertainties in prosumer generation

A note on semi-infinite program bounding methods

A New Approach to Solving Stochastic Optimal Control Problems

Sample average approximation for the continuous type principal-agent problem

Multilevel Thresholding for Image Segmentation Using an Improved Electromagnetism Optimization Algorithm

Optimal Operation Parameter Estimation of Energy Storage for Frequency Regulation

Trajectory Planning and Tracking Control of Vehicle Obstacle Avoidance based on Optimization Control

Efficient and Effective Algorithms for Clustering Uncertain Graphs

Decentralized Unit Commitment in Integrated Heat and Electricity Systems Using SDM-GS-ALM

Learning the optimal state-feedback via supervised imitation learning

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