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Optical Potential sentence examples within Complex Optical Potential

Electron impact scattering from pentane molecules and effect of isomerism on cross section

Electron induced elastic and inelastic processes for perfluoroketone (PFK) molecules

Optical Potential sentence examples within Nucleu Optical Potential

Constraints on $\Xi^-$ nuclear interactions from capture events in emulsion

Low-energy Measurement of the 96Zr(α,n)99Mo Reaction Cross Section and Its Impact on Weak r-process Nucleosynthesis

Optical Potential sentence examples within Folding Optical Potential

Analysis of the pion-nucleus scattering within the folding and the Kisslinger type potentials

Initial State Interaction for the 20Ne + 130Te and 18O + 116Sn Systems at 15.3 AMeV from Elastic and Inelastic Scattering Measurements

Optical Potential sentence examples within Microscopic Optical Potential

Progress in the microscopic description of nucleon-nucleus elastic scattering at low-energy

Impact of three-body forces on elastic nucleon-nucleus scattering observables

Optical Potential sentence examples within Periodic Optical Potential

PT-Symmetric Periodic Optical Potential

Giant and tunable Goos-Hänchen shift with a high reflectance induced by PT-symmetry in atomic vapor.

Optical Potential sentence examples within Averaged Optical Potential

All-Optical Matter-Wave Lens using Time-Averaged Potentials

Dynamically controlled double-well optical potential for colloidal particles

Optical Potential sentence examples within Hermitian Optical Potential

Non-Hermitian Broad Aperture Semiconductor Lasers Based on PT-Symmetry

Directionality Fields Generated by a Local Hilbert Transform in Optics

Optical Potential sentence examples within Generate Optical Potential

Arrays of dark optical traps on a toroidal surface

Introducing non-local correlations into laser speckles.

Optical Potential sentence examples within Nucleon Optical Potential

Three-body model of the d+A system in an antisymmetrized, translationally invariant many nucleon theory

Effects of an induced three-body force in the incident channel of ( d,p ) reactions

Optical Potential sentence examples within Ion Optical Potential

Elastic scattering of electrons from the ions of argon isonuclear series

Heavy ion charge exchange reactions as probes for nuclear β-decay

Optical Potential sentence examples within Gaussian Optical Potential

Clustering of Janus particles in an optical potential driven by hydrodynamic fluxes

Clustering of Janus particles in an optical potential driven by hydrodynamic fluxes.

Optical Potential sentence examples within Quasicrystalline Optical Potential

Emergent Quasicrystalline Symmetry in Light-Induced Quantum Phase Transitions.

Phase transitions of an ultracold gas in a quasicrystalline potential

Optical Potential sentence examples within Dependent Optical Potential

Three-body problem with velocity-dependent optical potentials: a case of (d, p) reactions

Time-independent approximations for time-dependent optical potentials

Optical Potential sentence examples within Dimensional Optical Potential

Stroboscopic painting of optical potentials for atoms with subwavelength resolution

Transport of a colloidal particle driven across a temporally oscillating optical potential energy landscape

Optical Potential sentence examples within Paulo Optical Potential

Inclusive breakup cross sections in reactions induced by the nuclides He6 and Li6,7 in the two-body cluster model

Core longitudinal momentum distributions in the stripping reactions of two-neutron halo nuclei

Optical Potential sentence examples within Neutron Optical Potential

Neutron interferometry and tests of short-range modifications of gravity

A new approach to search for free neutron-antineutron oscillations using coherent neutron propagation in gas

Optical Potential sentence examples within Phenomenological Optical Potential

The São Paulo Potential and the 3He Breakup Reaction at 130 MeV on 93Nb and 197Au

Peculiarities of 6Li +12C elastic scattering

Optical Potential sentence examples within Body Optical Potential

Three-body optical potentials in (d,p) reactions and their influence on indirect study of stellar nucleosynthesis

The Unification of Structure and Reaction Frameworks

Optical Potential sentence examples within Real Optical Potential

Suppression of the nuclear rainbow in the inelastic nucleus–nucleus scattering

Elastic $$\alpha $$ α transfer in the $$^{16}\hbox {O}+^{12}\hbox {\!\!C}$$

Optical Potential sentence examples within optical potential model

Optical potential parameters of light nuclear fusion based on precise Coulomb wave functions

Model of Energy Dependent Total, Absorption, and 3He and 3H Production Cross Sections in 4He-proton Collisions

Optical Potential sentence examples within optical potential formalism

Electron impact scattering from pentane molecules and effect of isomerism on cross section

Electron induced elastic and inelastic processes for perfluoroketone (PFK) molecules

Optical Potential sentence examples within optical potential energy

Tunable optical assembly of subwavelength particles by a microfiber cavity.

Transport of a colloidal particle driven across a temporally oscillating optical potential energy landscape

Optical Potential sentence examples within optical potential within

Excitation of isobaric analog states from (p,n) and (He3,t) charge-exchange reactions within the G -matrix folding method

Elastic scattering of electrons from the ions of argon isonuclear series

Optical Potential sentence examples within optical potential method

Relativistic Quantum Chemistry and Spectroscopy of Some Kaonic Atoms: Hyperfine and Strong Interaction Effects

Theoretical study of resonances formed in low-energy Li− + H collisions

Optical Potential sentence examples within optical potential parameter

The p +9Be elastic scattering below 30MeV: Optical model analysis and data normalization

Discrepancy of Astrophysical S-Factor.

Optical Potential sentence examples within optical potential operator

Antisymmetrized, translationally invariant theory of the nucleon optical potential

Antisymmetrized, translationally invariant theory of the nucleon optical potential

Optical Potential sentence examples within optical potential shaped

Topological pumping of a 1D dipolar gas into strongly correlated prethermal states

Making a quantum pump

More Optical Potential 광전위 sentence examples

Non-Resonant Reaction Rates of 13C(α,n)16O and 22Ne(α,n)25Mg reactions in AGB Stars

Determination of the asymmetry term strength in the n–A elastic scattering process using a nonlocal optical model

More Optical Potential 광전위 sentence examples

Study of quasi-elastic scattering of $$^{17}\hbox {F}+^{208}\hbox {Pb}$$ at energies around Coulomb barrier

Generalized hydrodynamics in strongly interacting 1D Bose gases

More Optical Potential 광전위 sentence examples

Folding model approach to the elastic p+12,13C scattering at low energies and radiative capture 12,13C(p,γ) reactions

More Optical Potential 광전위 sentence examples

Alpha-induced inelastic scattering and alpha-transfer reactions in $$^{12}$$C and $$^{16}$$O within the Algebraic Cluster Model