Discover more insights into Optic Nerve 시신경

Optic Nerve sentence examples within retinal ganglion cell

Associations between OPA1, MFN1, and MFN2 polymorphisms and primary open angle glaucoma in Polish participants of European ancestry.

Sensitivity Detection of Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer in Glaucoma Based on High Level Semantic Image Fusion Algorithm

Optic Nerve sentence examples within optical coherence tomography

[Results of optical coherence tomography of the retina and optic nerve in keratoconus].

Ocular Manifestations of PNPT1-Related Neuropathy.

Optic Nerve sentence examples within magnetic resonance imaging

Bilateral optic neuropathy as a complication of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.

A case of acute optic neuritis during pregnancy treated by membrane-based therapeutic plasma exchanges without systemic anticoagulation.

Optic Nerve sentence examples within neuromyelitis optica spectrum

Clinical Features of the Patients with Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder.

Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder: Clinical Burden and Cost of Relapses and Disease-Related Care in US Clinical Practice

Optic Nerve sentence examples within central nervous system

Optic nerve biopsy in leukemic infiltrative optic neuropathy: a case report and review of the literature.

Progesterone alters the activation and typing of the microglia in the optic nerve crush model.

Optic Nerve sentence examples within retinal nerve fiber

Investigation of Optic Disc and Retinal Microvasculature by Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography in Children with Asthma

Short-term effect of weight loss after bariatric surgery on IOP, RNFL thickness, and the optic nerve head blood flow measured by OCTA.

Optic Nerve sentence examples within raised intracranial pressure

An Automated Algorithm for Optic Nerve Sheath Diameter Assessment from B‐mode Ultrasound Images

Ultrasonographic measurement of optic nerve sheath diameter to detect raised intracranial pressure in adult head injury patients in the intensive care unit and its correlation with computed tomography scan findings

Optic Nerve sentence examples within primary open angle

89A novel ocular function for decorin in the aqueous humor outflow.

Evaluation of Corneal biomechanics in primary open angle glaucoma

Optic Nerve sentence examples within internal carotid artery

Endoscopic ultrasound imaging with high flow mode for endonasal transsphenoidal pituitary surgery

Normal Variations in Sphenoid and Their Significance Regarding Endoscopic Sinus Surgeries: Multislice Computed Tomographic Study

Optic Nerve sentence examples within spectral domain optical

Wegener’s granulomatosis with orbital involvement: case report and literature review

Bilateral acute macular neuroretinopathy following COVID‐19 infection

Optic Nerve sentence examples within peripapillary retinal nerve

Macular, papillary and peripapillary perfusion densities measured with optical coherence tomography angiography in primary open angle glaucoma and pseudoexfoliation glaucoma

Retinal Thickness Analysis in Progressive Multiple Sclerosis Patients Treated With Epigallocatechin Gallate: Optical Coherence Tomography Results From the SUPREMES Study

Optic Nerve sentence examples within idiopathic intracranial hypertension

OCT Based Interpretation of the Optic Nerve Head Anatomy and Prevalence of Optic Disc Drusen in Patients with Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (IIH)

Apparent diffusion coefficient echoplanar imaging maps of the optic nerves in childhood idiopathic intracranial hypertension.

Optic Nerve sentence examples within central retinal artery

Usefulness of point-of-care ultrasound for the evaluation of non-traumatic eye emergencies.

Vision loss in giant cell arteritis

Optic Nerve sentence examples within normal tension glaucoma

Structural abnormalities associated with glaucoma using swept-source optical coherence tomography in patients with systemic sclerosis

Adduction Induces Large Optic Nerve Head Deformations in Subjects with Normal Tension Glaucoma

Optic Nerve sentence examples within increased intracranial pressure

Evaluation of Increased Intracranial Pressure with the Optic Nerve Sheath Diameter by Ultrasound in Epiduroscopic Neural Laser Discectomy Procedures.

The evaluation of patients with optic disc edema: A retrospective study

Optic Nerve sentence examples within elevated intracranial pressure

Retinal Vein Changes as a Biomarker to Guide Diagnosis and Management of Elevated Intracranial Pressure

Intracranial hypertension associated with topical tretinoin use

Optic Nerve sentence examples within laser speckle flowgraphy

Diagnostic performance of laser speckle flowgraphy in glaucoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Changes in Pulse Waveforms in Response to Intraocular Pressure Elevation Determined by Laser Speckle Flowgraphy in Healthy Subjects

Optic Nerve sentence examples within progressive optic neuropathy

Biomechanics of the optic nerve head and sclera in canine glaucoma: A brief review.

Glaucoma in Adults-Screening, Diagnosis, and Management: A Review.

Optic Nerve sentence examples within traumatic optic neuropathy

An adherent drug depot for retinal ganglion cell protection and regeneration in rat traumatic optic neuropathy models

Traumatic chiasmopathy following mild trauma in a patient with thyroid orbitopathy

Optic Nerve sentence examples within traumatic brain injury

Efficacy of Noninvasive Technologies in Triaging TBI and Correlating With ICP: A Prospective Study.

The role of optic nerve sheath diameter ultrasound in brain infection

Optic Nerve sentence examples within ganglion cell complex

Effect of Smoking on Retinal Thickness and Vascular Density in Thyroid Eye Disease

Optic Nerve Head Microcirculation in Eyes With Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada Disease Accompanied by Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy: a Case Report

Optic Nerve sentence examples within age related macular

The Evolution of Fabrication Methods in Human Retina Regeneration

Methodology and rationale for ophthalmic examinations in the seventh and eighth Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (2017-2021).

Optic Nerve sentence examples within retinal nerve fibre

Combined structure–function analysis in glaucoma screening

Long‐term capillary changes in areas of dissociated optic nerve fibre layer after macular hole surgery

Optic Nerve sentence examples within optic disc edema

Incipient Non-Arteritic Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy in a Patient with Metastatic Small-Cell Lung Cancer

Senkung des intrakraniellen Drucks durch Senkung des zentralvenösen Drucks: Bewertung möglicher Gegenmaßnahmen zum Raumfahrt-assoziierten neuro-okulären Syndrom

Optic Nerve sentence examples within retinal pigment epithelium

Clinical electrophysiology of vision—commentary on current status and future prospects

Optic nerve head anatomy in myopia and glaucoma, including parapapillary zones alpha, beta, gamma and delta: Histology and clinical features

Optic Nerve sentence examples within visual evoked potential

Optic Nerve Topography in Multiple Sclerosis Diagnosis

Electrophysiological reactions to intraoperative irritation of the optic nerve. Case report and review of possible mechanisms.

Optic Nerve sentence examples within serous retinal detachment

Conjunctival Chemosis and Annular Ciliochoroidal Detachments Detected by Anterior-Segment Optical Coherence Tomography in a Case of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Ophthalmologic manifestations as the initial presentation of chronic myeloid leukemia: A Review.

Optic Nerve sentence examples within eyeball transverse diameter

Relationship between the ratio of optic nerve sheath diameter to eyeball transverse diameter and morphological characteristics of dogs.

The clinical and prognostic values of optic nerve sheath diameter and optic nerve sheath diameter/eyeball transverse diameter ratio in comatose patients with supratentorial lesions

Optic Nerve sentence examples within compressive optic neuropathy

Partial Vision Loss After Orbital Decompression in a Patient With Thyroid Eye Disease, Chorioretinal Folds, and Disc Edema.

Anterior clinoid mucocoele presenting as progressive fluctuating visual loss mimicking inflammatory optic neuropathy

Optic Nerve sentence examples within shear wave elastography