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Novel Temporal sentence examples within novel temporal attention

TACNet: Task-aware Electroencephalogram Classification for Brain-Computer Interface through A Novel Temporal Attention Convolutional Network

Memory Attention Networks for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition.

Novel Temporal sentence examples within novel temporal pattern

Extracellular vesicle–associated procoagulant activity is highest the first 3 hours after trauma and thereafter declines substantially: A prospective observational pilot study

The nested joint clustering via Dirichlet process mixture model

Novel Temporal sentence examples within novel temporal graph

Mining Stable Quasi-Cliques on Temporal Networks

Idle Time Window Prediction in Cellular Networks with Deep Spatiotemporal Modeling

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Novel Temporal sentence examples within novel temporal fusion

SAT-Net: Self-Attention and Temporal Fusion for Facial Action Unit Detection

FlowDriveNet: An End-to-End Network for Learning Driving Policies from Image Optical Flow and LiDAR Point Flow

Novel Temporal sentence examples within novel temporal transformation

Robust Output-Feedback Prescribed-Time Stabilization of a Class of Nonlinear Strict-Feedback-Like Systems

Prescribed-Time Stabilization of Nonlinear Strict-Feedback-Like Systems

Novel Temporal sentence examples within novel temporal clustering

Robust Temporal Graph Clustering for Group Record Linkage

Motion-Aware Compression and Transmission of Mesh Animation Sequences

Novel Temporal sentence examples within novel temporal pose

Unsupervised Feature Learning of Human Actions As Trajectories in Pose Embedding Manifold

PA3D: Pose-Action 3D Machine for Video Recognition

Novel Temporal sentence examples within novel temporal adaptive

Sparse User Check-in Venue Prediction By Exploring Latent Decision Contexts From Location-Based Social Networks

Sparse User Check-in Venue Prediction By Exploring Latent Decision Contexts From Location-Based Social Networks

Novel Temporal sentence examples within novel temporal action

Neural Time-Aware Sequential Recommendation by Jointly Modeling Preference Dynamics and Explicit Feature Couplings.

Learning-Based Hand Motion Capture and Understanding in Assembly Process

Novel Temporal sentence examples within novel temporal feature

Exploiting Inter-Frame Regional Correlation for Efficient Action Recognition

Effective Action Recognition with Embedded Key Point Shifts

Cross-View Exocentric to Egocentric Video Synthesis

Temporal-Difference Spatial Sampling and Aggregating Graph Neural Network for Crowd Flow Forecasting

A Temporal-Spectral-Based Squeeze-and- Excitation Feature Fusion Network for Motor Imagery EEG Decoding

Self-Powered Interactive Fiber Electronics with Visual-Digital Synergies.

Learning Reliable User Representations from Volatile and Sparse Data to Accurately Predict Customer Lifetime Value

More Novel Temporal 소설 시간 sentence examples

Looking Back and Forward: Enhancing Image Captioning with Global Semantic Guidance

Semantic Segmentation for Pedestrian Detection from Motion in Temporal Domain

Time of Day Regulates Renal Mineralocorticoid Receptor Transcriptional Control of Electrolyte Balance

Coherent Mark‐based Stylization of 3D Scenes at the Compositing Stage

Soft Sensor Modeling of Blast Furnace Wall Temperature Based on Temporal–Spatial Dimensional Finite-Element Extrapolation

IOMeans: Classifying Multi-concurrent I/O Threads Using Spatio-Tempo Mapping

Temporally local recurrent radial basis function network for modeling and adaptive control of nonlinear systems.

A fiber Kerr effect polarization state generator for temporally multiplexed polarimetric ladar

A Novel Electrocardiogram Biometric Identification Method Based on Temporal-Frequency Autoencoding

Temporal, Functional and Spatial Big Data Computing Framework for Large-Scale Smart Grid

Novel Temporal 소설 시간

Novel Temporal 소설 시간
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