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Nonparametric Identification sentence examples within Novel Nonparametric Identification

Non-neutral productivity dynamics in a nonseparable production function with multiple productivity

The Dynamics of Multidimensional Non-Neutral Productivity

Nonparametric Identification sentence examples within Establish Nonparametric Identification

COVID-19, productivity, and recovery: a nonseparable production function framework

Identification of a class of index models: A topological approach

Nonparametric Identification sentence examples within nonparametric identification result

Identification of causal intervention effects under contagion

Identification With Additively Separable Heterogeneity

Learn more from Nonparametric Identification 비모수 식별

Nonparametric Identification sentence examples within nonparametric identification method

Nonparametric identification of a micro-electromechanical resonator

Convex Nonparametric Formulation for Identification of Gradient Flows

Efficient Estimation of Pricing Kernels and Market-Implied Densities

Foundations of Demand Estimation

Design of Multi Loop Control Systems with Decision Makers Under Incomplete Information

Insights into the Cross-world Independence Assumption of Causal Mediation Analysis

Nonparametric regression with selectively missing covariates

Sequential Auctions with Synergy and Affiliation across Auctions

Dynamic Neural Network-Based Adaptive Tracking Control for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Subject to Modeling and Parametric Uncertainties

A General Framework for Nonparametric Identification of Nonlinear Stochastic Systems

Identification and Estimation of Discrete Choice Models with Unobserved Choice Sets

Nonparametric Identification in the Dynamic Stochastic Block Model

Constructive identification in some nonseparable discrete choice models

The Sad Truth about Happiness Scales

Nonparametric Identification of Roll Damping and Nonlinear Restoring Forces for a Ship from a Free Roll Decay Simulation

A Nonparametric Dynamic Causal Model for Macroeconometrics

Effect of distributed generation plants’ automatic controllers on power quality factors

Semi-Nonparametric Estimation of Random Coefficient Logit Model for Aggregate Demand

A Modification on Stochastic Approximation Algorithm with Expanding Truncations For Estimation of NARX Systems

A kernel-based approach to supervised nonparametric identification of Wiener systems

Learn more from Nonparametric Identification 비모수 식별

Nonparametric Identification 비모수 식별

Nonparametric Identification 비모수 식별
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