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Non-parametric machine learning methods for interpolation of spatially varying non-stationary and non-Gaussian geotechnical properties

Factors of national environmental performance in sustainability management aspect

Stochastic Local Interaction Model: An Alternative to Kriging for Massive Datasets

Modeling non-Gaussian data analysis on determinants of underweight among under five children in rural Ethiopia: Ethiopian demographic and health survey 2016 evidences

Compositionally-warped additive mixed modeling for a wide variety of non-Gaussian spatial data

Investigating the Statistical Assumptions of Naïve Bayes Classifiers

Improved Inference of Gaussian Mixture Copula Model for Clustering and Reproducibility Analysis using Automatic Differentiation

Estimation of Factors Using Higher-order Multi-cumulants in Weak Factor Models

Ising Model for Interpolation of Spatial Data on Regular Grids

Robust PCA Through Maximum Correntropy Power Iterations

Additive noise model structure learning based on rank correlation

Fast local representation learning via adaptive anchor graph for image retrieval

Batch process monitoring based on global enhanced multiple neighborhoods preserving embedding

Lifestyle Intervention in Reducing Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Students with Dyslipidemia and Abdominal Obesity: A Randomized Study

A Bayesian quantile regression approach to multivariate semi-continuous longitudinal data

Markov Chain Monte Carlo-Based Bayesian Inference for Learning Finite and Infinite Inverted Beta-Liouville Mixture Models

A Hybrid Estimation Technique Using Elliptical Radial Basis Neural Networks and Cokriging

Integration of Hidden Markov Modelling and Bayesian Network for fault detection and prediction of complex engineered systems

Filling in Cosmic Microwave Background map missing regions via Generative Adversarial Networks

Regularised rank quasi-likelihood estimation for generalised additive models

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Non Gaussian Data 비 가우스 데이터

Non Gaussian Data 비 가우스 데이터
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