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No hard feelings: maternal emotion socialization and callous–unemotional traits in children

An Application of PRECIS-2 to Evaluate Trial Design in a Pilot Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial of a Community-based Smoking Cessation Intervention for Women Living in Disadvantaged Areas of Ireland

A feasibility study to assess non-clinical community health workers’ capacity to use simplified protocols and tools to treat severe acute malnutrition in Niger state Nigeria

“We’re All in the Same Boat” – The Experience of People With Mental Health Conditions and Non-clinical Community Members in Integrated Arts-Based Groups

Back to the Source: Moving Upstream in the Curricular Rivers of Coloniality

Designing community sports-based programmes for men with mental illness: A qualitative study of the Offload rugby league programme

A Feasibility Study to Assess Non-clinical Community Health Workers’ Capacity to use Simplified Protocols and Tools to Treat Severe Acute Malnutrition in Niger State Nigeria

A systematic scoping review of community-based interventions for the prevention of mental ill-health and the promotion of mental health in older adults in the UK.

Application of the inter-personal psychological theory of suicide in a non-clinical community-based adolescent population.

Psychometric properties of the Eating Disorder Symptom List (EDSL), a brief questionnaire for weekly assessment of eating disorder symptoms.

Correlates of Social Cognition and Psychopathic Traits in a Community-Based Sample of Males

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Non Clinical Community 비임상 커뮤니티

Non Clinical Community 비임상 커뮤니티
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