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Negative Childbirth Experience and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder - A Study Among Postpartum Women in South India

Affecting Factors of Parturient Women’s Privacy Preservation in The Maternity Ward: A Qualitative Study

Negative Childbirth Experience and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder - A Study Among Postpartum Women in South India

Affecting Factors of Parturient Women’s Privacy Preservation in The Maternity Ward: A Qualitative Study

Recommendations for improving primiparous women’s childbirth experience: results from a multiphase study in Iran

Predictors of Negative Childbirth Experiences Among French Women.

Methods of induction of labor and women’s experience: a population-based cohort study with mediation analyses

The childbirth experiences of Syrian refugee mothers living in Turkey: a qualitative study

The analysis of negative birth experiences of mothers: a qualitative study

A comparison of sexual function in primiparous and multiparous women

Validation of the Iranian version of the childbirth experience questionnaire 2.0

Prevalence and factors affecting the negative childbirth experiences: a systematic review

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Negative Childbirth 부정적인 출산

Negative Childbirth 부정적인 출산
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