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Eco-Printing on Cotton Fabric with Natural Indigo Dye Using Wild Taro Corms as a New Thickening Agent

Influence of various oxidation parameter(s) for natural indigo dye formation from Indigofera tinctoria L. biomass

Quality blues: traditional knowledge used for natural indigo identification in southern China

India in Situ: Textile History and Practice, a Team Approach

Molecular Structures and Spectral Properties of Natural Indigo and Indirubin: Experimental and DFT Studies

Analytical characterization of 5,5′-dibromoindigo and its first discovery in a museum textile

Effect of pH Condition on Natural Indigo (Indigofera tinctoria) Reduction by Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)

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Natural Indigo 내츄럴 인디고

Natural Indigo 내츄럴 인디고
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