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Natural Childbirth sentence examples within natural childbirth practice

Methods of childbirth preparation: a study of printed matter published in Brazil in the mid-twentieth century.

Métodos de preparação para o parto: um estudo sobre materiais impressos publicados no Brasil em meados do século XX

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Análise epidemiológica dos partos em uma região do nordeste brasileiro

The correlation between AGT gene polymorphism and neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE).

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P49 A case of a strange dyspnea

Vpliv porodnih praks na porodno izkušnjo v institucionalni oskrbi

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Effect of painless delivery technique in vaginal delivery of elderly primipara

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Comparison of the effects of early pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation on postpartum pelvic floor rehabilitation and sexual function in different delivery methods

The Effect of Educational Intervention Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior on the Choice of the Type of Delivery in Primipara Women Referred to Health Centers in Tehran in 2016-2017

Intentions and influencing factors regarding natural childbirth among urban pregnant women in China, based on the theory of reasoned action and structural equation modeling

Obstetric practices developed in two maternities for low risk mothers

Effect of Yoga during Pregnancy on the Incidence of Postpartum Depression

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Effect of unprotected perineal delivery on perineal side cut rate in primipara during childbirth

¿Parir o revolucionar?: Un análisis del discurso feminista radical sobre el parto natural / Give Birth or Revolution?: An Analysis of Radical Feminism Discourse about the Natural Childbirth

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Health education in the empowerment of the pregnant woman

Estudio prospectivo de cohortes con dos grupos paralelos de gestantes comparando el modelo de parto utilizado

Labour Pain, ‘Natal Politics’ and Reproductive Justice for Black Birth Givers

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Clinical evaluation of pelvic floor rehabilitation training for patients with pelvic floor dysfunction after delivery via vagina

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Effect of different midwifery methods on pelvic floor function of parturients and nursing experience

A qualitative analysis of parturients’ experiences using nitrous oxide for labor analgesia: It is not just about pain relief

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Beneficios del Contacto Precoz Piel a Piel

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Epidural analgesia in latent phase of labor for preeclamptic women attempting vaginal delivery

Effect of workshop training along with simulation and support of labor practitioners on their attitude and performance in conducting routine episiotomy

Interventions in Reducing Caesarean Section in the World: A Systematic Review

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Application effect of nursing intervention to prevent postpartum hemorrhage in natural parturient women


Response to letter re: Consent for vaginal delivery

Turning Foetal Breech Presentation at 32-35 Weeks of Gestational Age by Acupuncture and Moxibustion

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Natural Childbirth 자연분만

Natural Childbirth 자연분만
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