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Multiple Lyapunov sentence examples within average dwell time

Bumpless Transfer of Uncertain Switched System and Its Application to Turbofan Engines

Pinning exponential cluster synchronization for fractional-order complex dynamical networks with switching topology and mode-dependent impulses

Multiple Lyapunov sentence examples within mode dependent average

Stochastic Stability of Impulsive Switched Systems with Constrained Switching and Impulses

Finite-time H∞ dynamic output feedback control for nonlinear impulsive switched systems

Multiple Lyapunov sentence examples within closed loop system

Stability and stabilization of impulsive switched system with inappropriate impulsive switching signals under asynchronous switching

Adaptive fuzzy control of switched nonlinear systems with uncertain dead-zone: A mode-dependent fuzzy dead-zone model

Multiple Lyapunov sentence examples within finite time stability

Novel Adaptive Finite-Time Control of Teleoperation System With Time-Varying Delays and Input Saturation

New Lyapunov conditions of stochastic finite-time stability and instability of nonlinear time-varying SDEs

Multiple Lyapunov sentence examples within dependent average dwell

Passivity Analysis of Nonlinear Impulsive Multi-Dimensional Switched Systems

Stability Analysis of Continuous-Time Switched Neural Networks With Time-Varying Delay Based on Admissible Edge-Dependent Average Dwell Time

Multiple Lyapunov sentence examples within dwell time switching

Non-weighted Energy-to-Peak Filtering for Linear Switched Systems with Persistent Dwell Time

Multiple Lyapunov sentence examples within Dependent Multiple Lyapunov

Quantized Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Control for Persistent Dwell-Time Switched Nonlinear Systems With Singular Perturbations.

Stability Analysis for Discrete-Time Switched Systems With Time-Varying Delays

Multiple Lyapunov sentence examples within Employing Multiple Lyapunov

Stability Analysis of Discrete-Time Switched Positive Nonlinear Systems With Unstable Subsystems Under Different Switching Strategies

Stability under events for a class of hybrid dynamical systems with continuous and discrete time variables

Multiple Lyapunov sentence examples within Proper Multiple Lyapunov

Finite-Time Resilient Controller Design of a Class of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems With Time-Delays Under Asynchronous Switching

Finite-time positiveness and distributed control of Lipschitz nonlinear multi-agent systems

Multiple Lyapunov sentence examples within Piecewise Multiple Lyapunov

Stability of Switched T-S Fuzzy Systems with All Subsystems Unstable

Stability Analysis of Discrete-Time Switched T-S Fuzzy Systems With All Subsystems Unstable

Multiple Lyapunov sentence examples within Applying Multiple Lyapunov

Stability Analysis of Fractional Switched Systems With Stable and Unstable Subsystems

A New Switched State Jump Observer for Traffic Density Estimation in Expressways Based on Hybrid-Dynamic-Traffic-Network-Model

Multiple Lyapunov sentence examples within Constructing Multiple Lyapunov

Input-output Finite-time Stability of Switched Singular Continuous-time Systems

Linear output-feedback-based semi-global stabilization for switched nonlinear time-delay systems

Multiple Lyapunov sentence examples within Traditional Multiple Lyapunov

Finite-time H ∞ control for discrete-time switched systems with admissible edge-dependent average dwell time

H∞ fault-tolerant control for switched linear parameter-varying systems: A parameter and state-dependent switching method with dwell time

Multiple Lyapunov sentence examples within Novel Multiple Lyapunov

Stability and stabilization of impulsive switched system with inappropriate impulsive switching signals under asynchronous switching

Finite-time bipartite synchronization of switched competitive neural networks with time delay via quantized control.

Multiple Lyapunov sentence examples within multiple lyapunov function

Bumpless Transfer of Uncertain Switched System and Its Application to Turbofan Engines

Adaptive fuzzy control of switched nonlinear systems with uncertain dead-zone: A mode-dependent fuzzy dead-zone model

Multiple Lyapunov sentence examples within multiple lyapunov functional

Improved results on consensus of nonlinear MASs with nonhomogeneous Markov switching topologies and DoS cyber attacks

Finite-time bipartite synchronization of switched competitive neural networks with time delay via quantized control.

Multiple Lyapunov sentence examples within multiple lyapunov density

Almost global stability of nonlinear switched systems with mode-dependent and edge-dependent average dwell time

A Sufficient Condition for the Almost Global Stability of Nonlinear Switched Systems with Average Dwell Time

Multiple Lyapunov sentence examples within multiple lyapunov stability

Semi-global leader-following coordination of multi-agent systems with input saturation and aperiodic intermittent communications

Synchronization of Multi-Layer Networks: From Node-to-Node Synchronization to Complete Synchronization

Input/output-to-state stability of discrete-time switched nonlinear systems under restricted switching

Invariant set based distributed protocol for synchronization of discrete-time heterogeneous systems with nonlinear dynamics.

Actuator Fault Estimation Based on Proportional–Integral Observer for Delayed Continuous-Time Switched Systems

Switched linear parameter-varying modeling and tracking control for flexible hypersonic vehicle

Finite-time boundedness and finite-time weighted L2-gain analysis for a class of neutral type switched systems with time-varying delays

H ∞ disturbance attenuation of nonlinear networked control systems via Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy model

Pth moment input-to-state stability of stochastic impulsive switched delayed systems

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Multiple Lyapunov 다중 랴푸노프

Multiple Lyapunov 다중 랴푸노프
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