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Development of the Institute of Public Procurement in Modern Russia: Between Blockchain and Administration

Global Reputation Management: Understanding and Managing Reputation as Shared Value across Borders

Strategic Value at the Front End of a Radical Innovation Program

The Handbook of Multilevel Theory, Measurement, and Analysis.

Social Responsibility and Sustainability: How Businesses and Organizations Can Operate in a Sustainable and Socially Responsible Way

Models of Training Mediators for Education: Experience of Siberia and Kazakhstan

A multilevel investigation on predictors and outcomes of shared leadership

How Regulation Effects Corporate Social Responsibility: Corporate Environmental Performance under Different Regulatory Scenarios

Determinants of health insurance enrolment in Ghana: evidence from three national household surveys

Reviewing the Stakeholder Value Creation Literature: Towards a Sustainability Approach

The intrapreneurial employee: toward an integrated model of intrapreneurship and research agenda

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Multilevel Nature 다단계 자연

Multilevel Nature 다단계 자연
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