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Co-creation Pathway for Urban Nature-Based Solutions: Testing a Shared-Governance Approach in Three Cities and Nine Action Labs

Monitoring Groundwater Use as a Domestic Water Source by Urban Households: Analysis of Data from Lagos State, Nigeria and Sub-Saharan Africa with Implications for Policy and Practice

The Dark Side of Samsung’s Value Chain: The Human Costs of Cobalt Mining “BLOOD, SWEAT AND COBALT”

Behind the Targets? The Case for Coherence in a Multi-Scalar Approach to Carbon Action Plans in the Transport Sector

A worksheet, a whiteboard, a teacher-learner: leveraging materials and colonial language frames for multimodal indigenous language learning

Mapping Ancient Battlefields in a multi-scalar approach combining Drone Imagery and Geophysical Surveys: The Roman siege of the oppidum of Cabezo de Alcalá (Azaila, Spain)

Technological revolutions, socio-technical transitions and the role of agency: Värmland’s transition to a regional bio-economy

Biocrust and the soil surface: Influence of climate, disturbance, and biocrust recovery on soil surface roughness

Digitalisation and social inclusion in multi-scalar smart energy transitions

The three paradoxes of the energy transition - Assessing sustainability of large-scale solar photovoltaic through multi-level and multi-scalar perspective in Rwanda

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Multi Scalar Approach 다중 스칼라 접근

Multi Scalar Approach 다중 스칼라 접근
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