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Deep Image Refinement Method by Hybrid Training With Images of Varied Quality in Electrical Capacitance Tomography

Multi-Resolution Supervision Network with an Adaptive Weighted Loss for Desert Segmentation

Multi-Level Fusion Net for hand pose estimation in hand-object interaction

Deep multi-level fusion network for multi-source image pixel-wise classification

The Impact of Osteobiologic Subtype Selection on Perioperative Complications and Hospital-Reported Charges in Single- and Multi-Level Lumbar Spinal Fusion

Referring Segmentation in Images and Videos with Cross-Modal Self-Attention Network

A Multi-Scale and Multi-Level Fusion Approach for Deep Learning-Based Liver Lesion Diagnosis in Magnetic Resonance Images with Visual Explanation

A novel intelligent fault diagnosis method based on dual convolutional neural network with multi-level information fusion

Determining Wave Height from Nearshore Videos Based on Multi-level Spatiotemporal Feature Fusion

Multi-Level Fusion and Attention-Guided CNN for Image Dehazing

Detail-enhanced image inpainting based on discrete wavelet transforms

Factors Affecting Incomplete L5/S Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion, Including Spinopelvic Sagittal Parameters.

Deep Residual Dual-Attention Network for Super-Resolution Reconstruction of Remote Sensing Images

KerNet: A Novel Deep Learning Approach for Keratoconus and Sub-Clinical Keratoconus Detection Based on Raw Data of the Pentacam HR System

Multi‐level features extraction network with gating mechanism for crowd counting

Multimodal Local-Global Attention Network for Affective Video Content Analysis

Factors influencing upper-most instrumented vertebrae selection in adult spinal deformity patients: qualitative case-based survey of deformity surgeons.

The effect of patient age on discharge destination and complications after lumbar spinal fusion

CF2PN: A Cross-Scale Feature Fusion Pyramid Network Based Remote Sensing Target Detection

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