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Molecular Transport sentence examples within 12 dioleoyl sn

Molecular Adsorption and Transport at Liposome Surfaces Studied by Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Second Harmonic Generation Spectroscopy.

Molecular Transport sentence examples within Primestore Molecular Transport

Rapid and Safe Detection of SARS-CoV-2 and Influenza Virus RNA using Onsite qPCR Diagnostic Testing from Clinical Specimens Collected in Molecular Transport Medium

Novel molecular transport medium used in combination with Xpert MTB/RIF ultra provides rapid detection of Mycobacterium bovis in African buffaloes

Molecular Transport sentence examples within Fast Molecular Transport

MOF-in-COF molecular sieving membrane for selective hydrogen separation

Organic Nanotube with Subnanometer, pH-Responsive Lumen.

Molecular Transport sentence examples within Additional Molecular Transport

Pebax-based membrane filled with two-dimensional MXene nanosheets for efficient CO2 Capture.

110th Anniversary: Mixed Matrix Membranes with Fillers of Intrinsic Nanopores for Gas Separation

Molecular Transport sentence examples within Transmembrane Molecular Transport

Reconstitution of Ultrawide DNA Origami Pores in Liposomes for Transmembrane Transport of Macromolecules

Reconstitution of ultrawide DNA origami pores in liposomes for transmembrane transport of macromolecules

Molecular Transport sentence examples within Study Molecular Transport

Molecular size-dependent subcontinuum solvent permeation and ultrafast nanofiltration across nanoporous graphene membranes

Efficient separation of small organic contaminants in water using functionalized nanoporous graphene membranes: Insights from molecular dynamics simulations

Molecular Transport sentence examples within Promote Molecular Transport

Bacterial Quorum Sensing Signals Promote Large-Scale Remodeling of Lipid Membranes.

Synergistic effect of pulsed electric fields and temperature on the inactivation of microorganisms

Molecular Transport sentence examples within Facilitate Molecular Transport

Magnetic borate-modified Mxene: A highly affinity material for the extraction of catecholamines.

In Vivo Characterization of Endogenous Cardiovascular Extracellular Vesicles in Larval and Adult Zebrafish

Molecular Transport sentence examples within Directed Molecular Transport

Borate-driven ionic rectifiers based on sugar-bearing single nanochannels.

Unrestrained growth of correctly oriented microtubules instructs axonal microtubule orientation

Molecular Transport sentence examples within Efficient Molecular Transport

Graphene-like MOF nanosheets stabilize graphene oxide membranes enabling selective molecular sieving

Dual metal nanoparticles within multicompartmentalized mesoporous organosilicas for efficient sequential hydrogenation

Molecular Transport sentence examples within molecular transport acros

Bacterial Quorum Sensing Signals Promote Large-Scale Remodeling of Lipid Membranes.

Synthesis of Flow and Thermal Transport in Porous Media as Applied to Biological Applications

Molecular Transport sentence examples within molecular transport mechanism

Miniaturization and Automation of a Human In Vitro Blood–Brain Barrier Model for the High-Throughput Screening of Compounds in the Early Stage of Drug Discovery

Auxin transport mechanism of membrane transporter encoded by AEC gene of Bacillus licheniformis isolated from metagenome of Tapta Kund Hotspring of Uttrakhand, India.

Molecular Transport sentence examples within molecular transport medium

Use of PrimeStore® Molecular Transport Medium and Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra for Rapid Detection of Mycobacterium Bovis in African buffaloes (Syncerus Caffer).

Rapid and Safe Detection of SARS-CoV-2 and Influenza Virus RNA using Onsite qPCR Diagnostic Testing from Clinical Specimens Collected in Molecular Transport Medium

Molecular Transport sentence examples within molecular transport channel

On Mathematical Analysis of Active Drug Transport Coupled With Flow-Induced Diffusion in Blood Vessels

Teleological cooption of Mycobacterium tuberculosis PE/PPE proteins as porins: Role in molecular immigration and emigration.

Molecular Transport sentence examples within molecular transport system

A synthetic tubular molecular transport system

A synthetic tubular molecular transport system

Molecular Transport sentence examples within molecular transport phenomena

Study on Transport of Molecules in Gel by Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy

Study on transport of molecules in gel by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy

Molecular Transport sentence examples within molecular transport kinetic

A method for assessing ionic and molecular permeation in connexin hemichannels.

Influence of Temperature on Molecular Adsorption and Transport at Liposome Surfaces Studied by Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Second Harmonic Generation Spectroscopy

Molecular Transport sentence examples within molecular transport rate

Manipulating the cross-layer channels in g-C3N4 nanosheet membranes for enhanced molecular transport

Determination of Bacterial Surface Charge Density Via Saturation of Adsorbed Ions.

Molecular Transport sentence examples within molecular transport function

Homology modeling and mutation prediction of ACE2 from COVID-19

Genetic changes involving the coral gastrovascular system support the transition between colonies and bailed-out polyps: evidence from a Pocillopora acuta transcriptome

Molecular Transport sentence examples within molecular transport component

Comprehensive proteomic analysis reveals distinct functional modules associated with skull base and supratentorial meningiomas and perturbations in collagen pathway components.

Phosphorylation of major Porphyromonas gingivalis virulence factors is crucial for their processing and secretion.

Transcriptome analysis of oviduct in laying ducks under different stocking densities.

Hydrocarbon contamination in angström-scale channels.

Thermal resistance effect on anomalous diffusion of molecules under confinement

Dissipation and dilatation rates in premixed turbulent flames

Efflux transporters in rat placenta and developing brain: transcriptomic and functional response to paracetamol

Deciphering the role of PGRMC1 during human decidualization using an in vitro approach.

Letter to the editor

Convection-Enhanced Delivery and Principles of Extracellular Transport in the Brain: Extracellular Transport in the Brain.

Enhanced diffusion by reversible binding to active polymers

How CCDA instrument analyzed science pre-service teachers’ prior knowledge?

Nanoelectrochemical Study of Molecular Transport through the Nuclear Pore Complex

The RagA and RagB proteins of Porphyromonas gingivalis.

Near Wall Dynamics of Premixed Flames

Rumen bacteria and epithelial metabolism contribute to improving N utilization efficiency of calves.

Hierarchical Silica Inverse Opals as a Catalyst Support for Asymmetric Molecular Heterogeneous Catalysis with Chiral Rh‐diene Complexes

Hybrid Cyclic-Linear Cell-Penetrating Peptides Containing Alternative Positively Charged and Hydrophobic Residues as Molecular Transporters.

Mitotic disassembly and reassembly of nuclear pore complexes.

Influence of basal media composition on barrier fidelity within human pluripotent stem cell-derived blood-brain barrier models

Biomimetic calcium-inactivated ion/molecular channel.

De Novo Design of a Nanopore for DNA Detection that Incorporates a β-Hairpin Peptide

Conformation-changing enzymes and macromolecular crowding.

Confinement in a Zeolite and Zeolite Catalysis.

Quantifying spinal cord vascular permeability in the mouse using intravital imaging

Ultrasonically Induced Covalent Grafts of Cisplatin Loaded Ginger Oil Nanoemulsion System on the Surface of OH-SWCNT’S for Anticancer Studies and Biomedical Applications - A Novel Approach in Nanotechnology

Dimeric capsules self-assembled through halogen and chalcogen bonding.

Turbulent burning velocity and its unified scaling of butanol isomers/air mixtures