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قیاس أثر ممارسات إدارة الأرباح الحقیقیة على تقییم المستثمرین للأرصدة النقدیة بغرض الاحتفاظ: دراسة عملیة بالتطبیق على البیئة المصریة

Moderated Multiple sentence examples within Hierarchical Moderated Multiple

Decoupling of inter-regional functional connectivity and regional neural activity in Alzheimer Disease

Management control system, organizational processes and institutional performance of technical training institutions in Kenya

Moderated Multiple sentence examples within moderated multiple regression

Corporate governance and detrimental related party transactions: Evidence from Malaysia

Tensile strength of composite ties in business relationships

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Factors that determine variation in ambulance utilisation.

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Moderated Multiple 중재된 다중

Moderated Multiple 중재된 다중
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