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Model-data comparison in a strongly eddying Eocene ocean

Towards Quantitative Crystal Plasticity Model Validation Using Experimental In-plane Deformation Maps

Constraints on stellar rotation from the evolution of Sr and Ba in the Galactic halo

Evaluating an exponential respiration model to alternative models for soil respiration components in a Canadian wildfire chronosequence (FireResp, v1.0)

The triple oxygen isotope composition of phytoliths, a new proxy of atmospheric relative humidity: controls of soil water isotope composition, temperature, CO2 concentration and relative humidity

Transient simulations over the Common Era in PMIP4/CMIP6

DeepMIP: model intercomparison of early Eocene climatic optimum (EECO) large-scale climate features and comparison with proxy data

Case study of stratospheric Intrusion above Hampton, Virginia: lidar-observation and modeling analysis

A statistical model for dating uncertainties in Greenland ice core records

Generating Water Waves on Steady Currents Using Mass Source Wave Maker Coupled with Analytical Relaxation Wave Absorber

DeepMIP: Model intercomparison of early Eocene climatic optimum (EECO) large-scale climate features and comparison with proxy data

Forward numerical modelling constraining environmental parameters (Aptian carbonate system, E Iberia)

Langevin dynamics of heavy quarks in a soft-hard factorized approach

Antarctic ice sheet and climate evolution during the mid-Miocene

The 1600 Huaynaputina Eruption as Possible Trigger for Persistent Cooling in the North Atlantic Region

Comment on essd-2021-16

Towards model-data comparison of the deglacial temperature evolution in space and time

Impact of ice sheet reconstructions on the deglacial climate in iLOVECLIM

High-resolution marine data and transient simulations support orbital forcing of ENSO amplitude since the mid-Holocene

Process-Based Model Prediction of Coastal Dune Erosion through Parametric Calibration

A modeling study on the oceanic dispersion and sedimentation of radionuclides off the coast of Fukushima.

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Model Data Comparison 모델 데이터 비교

Model Data Comparison 모델 데이터 비교
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