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Mitraclip Procedure sentence examples within severe mitral regurgitation


Cost-effectiveness analysis of percutaneous mitral valve repair with the MitraClip delivery system for patients with mitral regurgitation in Japan

Mitraclip Procedure sentence examples within functional mitral regurgitation

The hemodynamic impact of MitraClip in patients with functional mitral regurgitation and pulmonary hypertension.

Impact of Percutaneous Edge-to-Edge Repair in Patients With Atrial Functional Mitral Regurgitation.

Mitraclip Procedure sentence examples within year old man

To Take One’s Breath Away: Echocardiography-Guided Aspiration of an Air Embolism During a MitraClip Procedure

The rare case of a MitraClip device migrating into the left ventricular apex

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Mitraclip Procedure sentence examples within Underwent Mitraclip Procedure

Systematic fluoroscopic-echocardiographic fusion imaging protocol for transcatheter edge-to-edge mitral valve repair intraprocedural monitoring.

Salvage MitraClip in severe secondary mitral regurgitation complicating acute myocardial infarction: data from a multicentre international study

Mitraclip Procedure sentence examples within Receiving Mitraclip Procedure

Right ventricular dysfunction and tricuspid regurgitation in functional mitral regurgitation.

Can Elderly Patients with Severe Mitral Regurgitation Benefit from Trans-catheter Mitral Valve Repair?

Mitraclip Procedure sentence examples within Successful Mitraclip Procedure

QCA to guide treatment of inter-clip mitral regurgitation between two previously implanted MitraClips.

Computed tomography characteristics of patients with functional MR receiving MitraClip

Mitraclip Procedure sentence examples within mitraclip procedure might

Two Cases of Endocarditis After MitraClip Procedure Necessitating Surgical Mitral Valve Replacement.

Bartonella haenselae infective endocarditis following transcatheter edge‐to‐edge mitral valve repair: A case report

Severe mitral regurgitation recurrence after successful percutaneous mitral edge-to-edge repair by Mitraclip in primary mitral regurgitation: Insights from a three-dimensional echocardiography study.

The significance of shunt directionality of iatrogenic atrial septal defect in different clinical scenarios: concerns on management

Transcatheter Mitral Valve Repair Simulator Equipped with Eye Tracking Based Performance Assessment Capabilities: A Pilot Study

Re-do MitraClip in patients with functional mitral valve regurgitation and advanced heart failure.

Totally Thoracoscopic Redo Mitral Valve Replacement for a High-Risk Patient Following Failed MitraClip Procedure

Complications Following Percutaneous Mitral Valve Edge-to-Edge Repair Using MitraClip


MitraClip implantation guided by volumetric intracardiac echocardiography: Technique and feasibility in patients intolerant to transesophageal echocardiography.

Outcomes after Transcatheter Mitral Valve Edge to Edge Repair; a Comparison of Two Pathologies.

Changes in the In-vivo Functional State of the Mitral Valve in MitraClip Repair

Severe mitral regurgitation recurrence after successful percutaneous mitral edge-to-edge repair by Mitraclip: Insights from a three-dimensional echocardiography study

The jungle of risk scores and their inability to predict long‐term survival. The truth behind the mirror

Case report: Concomitant MitraClip implantation for severe mitral regurgitation and plug closure of endocarditis induced fistula between aortic root and left atrium after transcatheter aortic valve implantation

MitraClip for mitral valve regurgitation and transcatheter aortic valve implantation for severe aortic valve stenosis: state-of-the-art

Extent and determinants of left ventricular reverse remodeling in patients with secondary mitral regurgitation undergoing MitraClip implantation

Usefulness of Computed Tomography to Predict Mitral Stenosis After Transcatheter Mitral Valve Edge-to-Edge Repair.

Early response of right-ventricular function to percutaneous mitral valve repair

Incidence, clinical correlates, timing of occurrence, and consequences of acute thrombus formation in patients undergoing the MitraClip procedure.

MITRA-FR vs. COAPT: lessons from two trials with diametrically opposed results

Treatment of functional mitral regurgitation in chronic heart failure: can we get a ‘proof of concept’ from the MITRA‐FR and COAPT trials?

Tear of Posterior Mitral Valve Leaflet During MitraClip, Successful Bailout Using Vascular Plugs

Leaflet edge-to-edge treatment versus direct annuloplasty in patients for functional mitral regurgitation.

Novel Method to Avoid Image Interference by Vertebral Body During MitraClip Transseptal Puncture.

TCT-464 The Volume Outcomes for Percutaneous Mitral Valve Repair (MitraClip) Procedure in a U.S. Registry

Mitral valve repair using edge-to-edge technique in various situations: real-world experiences.

Authors’ Reply: Clinical Implication of a V Wave in the Pulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure Waveform

‘Finding the biomarker’ for transcatheter mitral valve repair

Predicting the Number of Edge-to-Edge Repair Devices Needed to Adequately Treat Mitral Regurgitation Using Transesophageal Echocardiography.


Successful MitraClip for severe rheumatic mitral regurgitation: a case report

600.59 Use of Echocardiographic Parameters to Predict Clinical Benefit from the MitraClip Procedure - A Systematic Review and Metaregression

Temporary oral anticoagulation after MitraClip – a strategy to lower the incidence of post-procedural stroke?

Outcomes After Transcatheter Mitral Valve Repair in Patients With Renal Disease: Insights From the Society of Thoracic Surgeons/American College of Cardiology National Cardiovascular Data Registry Transcatheter Valve Therapy Registry

One-Year Outcomes After MitraClip for Functional Mitral Regurgitation

Relation of Hospital Volume With In-Hospital and 90-Day Outcomes After Transcatheter Mitral Valve Repair Using MitraClip.

Venous access closure using a purse‐string suture without heparin antagonism or additional compression after MitraClip implantation

One-year experience of the micro trans esophageal probe in cardiac structural interventions

Mechanisms of mitral regurgitation after percutaneous mitral valve repair with the MitraClip.

Long-term Israeli Single-center Experience With Percutaneous Mitraclip Procedure

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Mitraclip Procedure 미트라클립 시술

Mitraclip Procedure 미트라클립 시술
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