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Two-Case Series of Heart Transplant at a Single Center in a SARS-CoV-2 Epicenter

Transcarotid Approach to Placement of an Impella 5.0.

Two-Case Series of Heart Transplant at a Single Center in a SARS-CoV-2 Epicenter

Transcarotid Approach to Placement of an Impella 5.0.

Increased and continuous coronary arterial flow was induced by LV uncoupling condition using combined treatment of a microaxial heart pump and venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation

Propensity score‐based analysis of 30‐day survival in cardiogenic shock patients supported with different microaxial left ventricular assist devices

EC-VAD: Combined Use of Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation and Percutaneous Microaxial Pump Left Ventricular Assist Device

Impact of microaxillar mechanical left ventricular support on renal resistive index in patients with cardiogenic shock after myocardial infarction: a pilot trial to predict renal organ dysfunction in cardiogenic shock

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Microaxial Left 미세축 왼쪽

Microaxial Left 미세축 왼쪽
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