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Control of noise generated from centrifugal refrigeration compressor

Acoustic modelling and analyses of geometrically complex systems with Micro-perforated panels

Low-frequency sound absorption of a metamaterial with symmetrical-coiled-up spaces

Broadband low-frequency sound absorbing metastructures based on impedance matching coiled-up cavity

Sound absorption performance of acoustic metamaterials composed of double-layer honeycomb structure

A Basic Study on the Absorption Properties and Their Prediction of Heterogeneous Micro-Perforated Panels: A Case Study of Micro-Perforated Panels with Heterogeneous Hole Size and Perforation Ratio

A mathematical formulation for the optimal impedance of a curved axial microperforated panel in a duct bend

Sound transmission characteristics of underwater flexible micro-perforated panels

Research on sound absorption performance of ultra-thin metal micro-perforated panel absorber

Recent progress in acoustic materials and noise control strategies – A review

A thin meta-structure with multi-order resonance for underwater broadband sound absorption in low frequency

Vibrational effects on the optimization of micro-perforated partitions based on a causality criterion

Broadband sound absorbers of multilayered micro-slit panels using Bayesian probabilistic inference

Effect of Thickness and Perforation Size on the Acoustic Absorption Performance of a Micro-Perforated Panel

Inverse design of a Helmholtz resonator based low-frequency acoustic absorber using deep neural network

Acoustic absorption of a metamaterial panel: Mechanism, boundary effect and experimental demonstration

Sound absorption based on Micro-perforated panels and Acoustic Black Hole principle

Micro-perforated panels for noise reduction

Experimental investigation on motor noise reduction of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Investigation of broadband sound absorption of smart micro-perforated panel (MPP) absorber

A controllable low-frequency broadband sound absorbing metasurface

Sound absorption behavior of woven fabrics as micro perforated panel absorber

Experimental and numerical investigation on sound absorption characteristics of 3D printed coupled-cavity integrated passive element systems

A Trial Acoustic Improvement in a Lecture Hall with MPP Sound Absorbers and FDTD Acoustic Simulations

Enhanced modal matching approach to efficiently predict the acoustical performance of macro- and micro-perforated partitions

The design of noise attenuation for gas turbine GTS 22 engine

Design of Multiple Parallel-Arranged Perforated Panel Absorbers for Low Frequency Sound Absorption

Learn more from Micro Perforated Panel 마이크로 천공 패널

Micro Perforated Panel 마이크로 천공 패널

Micro Perforated Panel 마이크로 천공 패널
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