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High-density two-color micro-LED array based on brushing-assisted micropatterning of quantum dots

The Implementation of Sapphire Microreflector for Monolithic Micro-LED Array

2000 PPI silicon-based AlGaInP red micro-LED arrays fabricated via wafer bonding and epilayer lift-off.

Development of a real-time spectral imaging system using in-site micro-LED-based illumination and high-speed micro-camera for endoscopic applications

Micro-LED Array-Based Photo-Stimulation Devices for Optogenetics in Rat and Macaque Monkey Brains

Simultaneous Transfer and Bonding (SITRAB) Process for Micro-LEDs Using Laser-Assisted Bonding with Compression (LABC) Process and SITRAB Adhesive

Full-color micro-LED display based on a single chip with two types of InGaN/GaN MQWs.

High-Uniform and High-Efficient Color Conversion Nanoporous GaN-Based Micro-LED Display with Embedded Quantum Dots

AlGaInP-based Micro-LED array with enhanced optoelectrical properties

A High-Speed Visible Light Communication System Using Pairs of Micro-Size LEDs

Microfluidic synthesis of CsPbBr3/Cs4PbBr6 nanocrystals for inkjet printing of mini-LEDs

848 ppi high-brightness active-matrix micro-LED micro-display using GaN-on-Si epi-wafers towards mass production.

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Micro Led Array 마이크로 주도 어레이

Micro Led Array 마이크로 주도 어레이
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