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Metal Object sentence examples within Foreign Metal Object

Sensorless Metal Object Detection Using Transmission-Side Voltage Pulses in Standby Phase for Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer

Small Foreign Metal Objects Detection in X-Ray Images of Clothing Products Using Faster R-CNN and Feature Pyramid Network

Metal Object sentence examples within Liquid Metal Object

Self Fuelled Transformable Liquid Metal Machine

Reversible Transformation of Liquid Metal Machine

Metal Object sentence examples within Small Metal Object

Do metal objects such as mobile phones increase lightning risk?

Antenna coupled bolometer simulation for terahertz radiation detection diffracted by a small metal object

Metal Object sentence examples within Sharp Metal Object

Pediatric ocular trauma with pars plana vitrectomy in Southwest of China: clinical characteristics and outcomes.

Triple Thoracic Injury Caused by Foreign Body Ingestion: A New Approach for Managing an Unusual Case

Metal Object sentence examples within Multiple Metal Object

Cone-beam CT for neurosurgical guidance: high-fidelity artifacts correction for soft-tissue contrast resolution

Three-dimensional Generative Adversarial Nets for Unsupervised Metal Artifact Reduction

Metal Object sentence examples within Corroded Metal Object

The Analysis on Nanhai No. 1 Shipwreck Site Based on the Mollusca Debris Data

Archaeology and agriculture: conflicts and solutions

Metal Object sentence examples within Large Metal Object

Space Debris Removal and Exploitation of Lunar Resources - Profitability Perspectives

Toward Wireless Control in Industrial Process Automation: A Case Study at a Paper Mill

Metal Object sentence examples within Preciou Metal Object

Human Blood and Bird Egg Proteins Identified in Red Paint Covering a 1000-Year-Old Gold Mask from Peru.

“For Eternal Storage...”: Regimental Relics of the Era of Paul I

Metal Object sentence examples within Detect Metal Object

Single-pass metal artifact reduction using a dual-layer flat panel detector.

Neural Network for Metal Detection Based on Magnetic Impedance Sensor

Metal Object sentence examples within metal object detection

Multi-thread sensing coil design for metal object detection of wireless power transfer systems

Metal object detection for electric vehicle inductive power transfer systems based on hyperspectral imaging

Efficient automated localization of ECoG electrodes in CT images via shape analysis

Corticolous Lichens of Belarus. II. Obligate and Facultative Epiphytes

The Effect of the Side Edge on the Plasma Current during Interactions between a Cold Plasma and a Metal Object

Conservation of Metalic Objects: A Case Study of Old Silver Coin

Diversity Loss in Coralligenous Structuring Species Impacted by Fishing Gear and Marine Litter

Low level visual features support robust material perception in the judgement of metallicity

Electron Heat Flux in the Solar Wind: Generalized Approaches to Fluid Transport with a Variety of Skewed Velocity Distributions

Electrochemical gradients driven 3D printing of nano-twinned copper structures by direct current dynamic meniscus confined electrodeposition

Construyendo conceptos sobre electricidad en infantil mediante actividades de indagación

More Metal Object 금속 물체 sentence examples

A Detection System with Spider Web Coil-Based Wireless Charging and an Active Battery Management System

Exceptional adaptable MWIR thermal emission for ordinary objects covered with thin VO2 film

Rancang Bangun Sistem Penyortir Logam Pada Bahan Baku Furniture Berbasis Mikrokontroler dengan Metode Beat Frequency

Bronze-to-brass transition in the medieval Bukhara oasis

Metal artifact reduction method based on a constrained beam-hardening estimator for polychromatic x-ray CT

More Metal Object 금속 물체 sentence examples

Calculation of Electromagnetic Scattering Characteristics by Cell-Wise Extrapolation based on FDTD

Repurposed Metal Objects in the Political Economy of Jamaican Slavery

Self harm: suturing of lips.

Arsenical copper tools of Old Kingdom Giza craftsmen: First data

Modeling Metallicity: Low Level Visual Features Support Robust Material Perception

Una pequeña lámina de plomo con inscripción ibérica de paleografía arcaica del Pico de los Ajos (Yátova, València)

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More Metal Object 금속 물체 sentence examples

MACKEY II fed inside AMC substrate

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MACKEY II model with reduced thickness

More Metal Object 금속 물체 sentence examples

Automatic Digit and Alphabet Recognition Based Online Toll Collection System

The Remains of the Fray: Nascent Colonialism and Heterogeneous Hybridity

Investigation of state of the gas pipeline part under the Vym River

Large impacted foreign body in maxillofacial region: an occupational hazard

Foreign object detection in wireless power transfer systems

Advanced Materials in Cultural Heritage Conservation

Comparative study on electromagnetohydrodynamic single-wall carbon nanotube–water dusty nanofluid in the presence of radiation and Ohmic heating

Convolutional neural network based metal artifact reduction method in dental CT image

A metal artifact reduction method for small field of view CT imaging

Metal Artifact Reduction in X-ray CT via Ray Profile Correction

Of gold masks, bronze mirrors and brass bracelets: Analyses of metallic artefacts from Samdzong, Upper Mustang, Nepal 450–650 CE

Triboelectric proximity and contact detection using soft planar spiral electrodes

A MASK-RCNN Based Approach Using Scale Invariant Feature Transform Key points for Object Detection from Uniform Background Scene

Rethinking the perishable: Identifying organic remains in metal objects at the Iron Age site of La Bastida de les Alcusses (Moixent, Spain)

Effect of laser power on roughness and porosity in laser powder bed fusion of stainless steel 316L alloys measured by X-ray tomography

An Integral Equation Analysis of the Metal Object with Multiple Thin Dielectric Sheets

A Comprehensive Study of the Environmental Effects on WiFi Received Signal Strength: Lab Scenario

Preliminary study on analysis and removal of wax from a Carrara marble statue

Recipes and Everyday Knowledge: Medicine, Science, and the Household in Early Modern England

Polarization Characteristics of Reflected Pulses of Ultrawideband Radiation at Detection of Metal Objects in Conditions of Limited Visibility

Panlongcheng, Zhengzhou and the Movement of Metal in Early Bronze Age China

Metal artifact correction based on combination of 2D and 3D region growing for x-ray tomosynthesis

A Compact UHF RFID Ceramic Tag for High-Temperature Applications

Anthropogenic litter cleanups in Iowa riparian areas reveal the importance of near-stream and watershed scale land use.