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Mechanical arm teleoperation control system by dynamic hand gesture recognition based on kinect device

Data Denosing Processing of the Operating State of the Robotic Arm of Coal Sampling Robot

Research and Implementation of Automatic Cable Winding System Based on Machine Vision

Kinematics Solution and Workspace Analysis of a Seven (DOF) Redundant Manipulator

A Priority Experience Replay Sampling Method Based on Upper Confidence Bound

Development of an Autonomous Agricultural Vehicle to Measure Soil Respiration

Design of Mechanical Arm-motor Control System Based on DSP

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Research on Intelligent Grasping System of Monocular Vision Guided Manipulator

Automatic Detection of Electric Meter Position in Automated Assembly Line Turnover Box

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Improvement of Transmission Measuring for The Robotic Wireless Control

A Rubber-Tapping Robot Forest Navigation and Information Collection System Based on 2D LiDAR and a Gyroscope

Selectively aligned cellulose nanofibers towards high-performance soft actuators

Smart Grasping Control of Serial Link Manipulator using NI myRIO

Kinematic Analysis, Simulation and Manipulating of a 5-DOF Robotic Manipulator for Service Robot

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Research on Smart Handling Robot for Nuclear Reactor

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Application design of all-water driven operating system in deep-sea submersible vehicles

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The Research of Mechanical Arm on Remote Operation System

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Development of RF Interlock and Diagnostics Systems in SOLARIS Storage Ring

Analysis of Winding Configurations and End Magnetic Leakage Shielding in Joint Motors

Research on Gravity Compensation of Robot Arm Based on Model Learning*

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Intelligent Strawberry Assisted Picking Mechanism

Bariatric Surgery: An Overview

Generation of pulse-like and bursting-like oscillations from nonlinear systems using embedded technologies and applications to excite mechanical arms

Measurement of the position and orientation of mechanical arm based on laser tracker

Surgeons and robots

The effect of imaging and tracking parameters on ultrasound probe calibration robustness

A Mobile Visual Capture Robot Based on the Optimized Adaptive Iterative Training Algorithm

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Use of a robotic camera holder (FreeHand®) for laparoscopic appendicectomy

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Mechanism Design and Crawling Process Force Analysis of Inspection Robot for Power Transmission Lines

Evolution and Current Applications of Robot-Assisted Fracture Reduction: A Comprehensive Review

Analytical Inverse Kinematics and Self-Motion Application for 7-DOF Redundant Manipulator

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Mechanical Arm 기계 팔

Mechanical Arm 기계 팔
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