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Material Identification sentence examples within Positive Material Identification

Effective strategies for comprehensive action plans ‐ theory and practice

The STRYDE limb lengthening nail is susceptible to mechanically assisted crevice corrosion: an analysis of 23 retrieved implants

Material Identification sentence examples within Plant Material Identification


Microscopic research of shoots of the Salix cinerea L. of Ukrainian flora

Material Identification sentence examples within Raw Material Identification

Single-Laboratory Validation of a Two-Tiered DNA Barcoding Method for Raw Botanical Identification.

Enabling Robust and Rapid Raw Material Identification and Release by Handheld Raman Spectroscopy

Material Identification sentence examples within Complex Material Identification

Multimodal Continual Learning Using Online Dictionary Updating

Analysis of long-wave infrared hyperspectral classification performance across changing scene illumination

Material Identification sentence examples within Object Material Identification

Space object material identification method of hyperspectral imaging based on Tucker decomposition

Material classification technology based on convolutional neural networks

Material Identification sentence examples within Inverse Material Identification

Independent Validation of Generic Specimen Design for Inverse Identification of Plastic Anisotropy

Determination of layerwise material properties of composite plates using mixed numerical–experimental technique

Material Identification sentence examples within Hazardou Material Identification

Field-portable and handheld laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy: Historical review, current status and future prospects

A novel terrain adaptive omni-directional unmanned ground vehicle for underground space emergency: Design, modeling and tests

Material Identification sentence examples within Nuclear Material Identification

New Results on Radioactive Mixture Identification and Relative Count Contribution Estimation

Sea container inspection with tagged neutrons

Material Identification sentence examples within material identification technique

Overview of Popular Techniques of Raman Spectroscopy and Their Potential in the Study of Plant Tissues

Sensor-based quality inspection of secondary resources: Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy

Material Identification sentence examples within material identification system

Material Identification for Smart Manufacturing Systems: A Review

Feasibility Study of Visual Computing and Machine Learning Application for Textile Material Sorting

Material Identification sentence examples within material identification problem

A new robust formulation for optical-flow/material identification problems

Analysis of long-wave infrared hyperspectral classification performance across changing scene illumination

Material Identification sentence examples within material identification method

Space object material identification method of hyperspectral imaging based on Tucker decomposition

Material classification technology based on convolutional neural networks

Material Identification sentence examples within material identification accuracy

RF-Prism: Versatile RFID-based Sensing through Phase Disentangling

Automated analysis of microplastics based on vibrational spectroscopy: Are we measuring the same metrics?

Material Identification sentence examples within material identification task

Evaluation of Intervention Effectiveness of Sensory Compensatory Training with Tactile Discrimination Feedback on Sensorimotor Dysfunction of the Hand after Stroke

Multimodal Continual Learning Using Online Dictionary Updating

Broadband infrared light source by simultaneous parametric down-conversion

Tracking Acid Generating Minerals and Trace Metal Spread from Mines using Hyperspectral Data: Case Studies from Northwest India

A Feasible and Facile Method for the Anticounterfeiting of Down Fiber

Identification of Materials Using a Microwave Sensor Array and Machine Learning

CD-Net: Comprehensive Domain Network With Spectral Complementary for DECT Sparse-View Reconstruction

Enabling hyperspectral imaging in diverse illumination conditions for indoor applications

Improved fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm based on t-SNE for terahertz spectral recognition

Amplitude and phase imaging using incoherent free-running self-oscillating device in millimeter- and terahertz-wave bands

A Foreign Object Detection Method Based on Variation of Quality Factor of Detection Coil at Multi-frequency

More Material Identification 재료 식별 sentence examples

Study of Reflection-Lass-Based Material Identification from Common Building Surfaces

Combination of Dual-Energy X-ray Transmission and Variable Gas-Ejection for the In-Line Automatic Sorting of Many Types of Scrap in One Measurement

Modelling damping in piezoceramics: A comparative study

Automated material identification with a Raman spectrometer based on the contribution enhancement of small differences and the adaptive target Raman peak subtraction.

Flow-Through Quantification of Microplastics Using Impedance Spectroscopy.

A new application of Fiber optics reflection spectroscopy (FORS): Identification of “bronze disease” induced corrosion products on ancient bronzes

A DNA microarray assay for authenticating five important marine mammal species in food and feed.

Electrical analogy approach to estimate material category from transient thermal response

An investigation into disposal and recycling options for daily disposable and monthly replacement soft contact lens modalities.

All-Oxide Thin-Film Varactors: RF Characterization - Modeling - Integration

A new compact and rugged hyperspectral camera with broad spectral coverage and resolution for low-light applications in cultural heritage

Enhancing Tunability of EIT in Plasmonic Split Disk Resonator Using Graphene and Fused Silica

Application of hyperspectral CT technology combined with machine learning in recognition of plastic components

Material Identification Using UWB

Block Matching Frame based Material Reconstruction for Spectral CT

Hyperspectral Image Segmentation Using Evolutionary Multifactorial Spectral Analysis for OMEGA Dataset

Toward an operational methodology to identify industrial-scaled nanomaterial powders with the volume specific surface area criterion

Feasibility study of photon counting detector for producing effective atomic number image

High-fidelity calibration and characterization of a spectral computed tomography system

Standoff Raman spectroscopy for architectural interiors from 3-15 m distances.

Measurement of Atomic Density with a Photon Counting X-ray CT

Biology microscopy using well-distributed sphere digital in-line holography

Deep Inference on Multi-Sensor Data

Controllable MXene nano-sheet/Au nanostructure architectures for the ultra-sensitive molecule Raman detection.

NanoDefiner e-Tool: An Implemented Decision Support Framework for Nanomaterial Identification

Enhancing Tunability of EIT in Plasmonic Split Disk Resonator Using Graphene and Fused Silica

Modeling the 3D Plastic Anisotropy of a Magnesium Alloy Processed Using Severe Plastic Deformation

Raman Spectroscopy for the Material Analysis of Medieval Manuscripts

Nanomaterial identification of powders: comparing volume specific surface area, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy methods

Audiovisual cross-modal material surface retrieval

Managing complex products to support the circular economy

Manuscripts in the Making: Art and Science

Material Identification 재료 식별

Material Identification 재료 식별
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