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Integration in the European electricity market: A machine learning-based convergence analysis for the Central Western Europe region

Production efficiency of nodal and zonal pricing in imperfectly competitive electricity markets

Enhanced integration of flow-based market coupling in short-term adequacy assessment

Toward a fundamental understanding of flow-based market coupling for cross-border electricity trading

Day-ahead electricity price prediction applying hybrid models of LSTM-based deep learning methods and feature selection algorithms under consideration of market coupling

Asian stock market integration after the global financial crisis: an ARDL bound testing approach

Evolution of Fundamental Price Determination within Electricity Market Simulations

Flow-Based Market Coupling Revised - Part II: Assessing Improved Price Zones in Central Western Europe

HIRA Model for Short-Term Electricity Price Forecasting

Forecasting cross-border power transmission capacities in Central Western Europe using artificial neural networks

Market coupling between electricity markets: theory and empirical evidence for the Italian–Slovenian interconnection

Algorithm design for European electricity market clearing with joint allocation of energy and control reserves

Egy sikeres piacnyitás története? Liberalizáció a magyar villamosenergia-szektorban = Is it a history of a successful market opening? Liberalization in the Hungarian electricity sector

Flow-Based Market Coupling Revised - Part I: Analyses of Small- and Large-Scale Systems

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Market Coupling 시장 결합

Market Coupling 시장 결합
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