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Fuzzy-Based Trustworthiness Evaluation Scheme for Privilege Management in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

Privacy-Preserving Smart Road-Pricing System with Trustworthiness Evaluation in VANETs †

Malicious Vehicles sentence examples within Identify Malicious Vehicles

A framework of Malicious Vehicles Recognition in Real Time Foggy Weather

A Reputation Management Scheme for Identifying Malicious Nodes in VANET

Malicious Vehicles sentence examples within Avoid Malicious Vehicles

On the Elliptic Curve Cryptography for Privacy-Aware Secure ACO-AODV Routing in Intent-Based Internet of Vehicles for Smart Cities

Trusted FPGA-based transport traffic inject, impersonate (I2) attacks beaconing in the Internet of Vehicles

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Malicious Vehicles sentence examples within malicious vehicles reporting

Detecting Selective Modification in Vehicular Edge Computing

Detecting RSU Misbehavior in Vehicular Edge Computing

Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Dynamic Reputation Policy in 5G Based Vehicular Communication Networks

R2SCDT: robust and reliable secure clustering and data transmission in vehicular ad hoc network using weight evaluation

Secured Intelligent Cooperative Communication in Vehicular Networks—A Comprehensive Review

When Proof-of-Work (PoW) based blockchain meets VANET environments

Recent Security Solutions For VANET Communications: A Systematic Review

DRiVe: Detecting Malicious Roadside Units in the Internet of Vehicles with Low Latency Data Integrity

XAI-AV: Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Trust Management in Autonomous Vehicles

Blockchain Based Intelligent Transport System

Efficient and Secure Routing Protocol Based on Artificial Intelligence Algorithms With UAV-Assisted for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks in Intelligent Transportation Systems

Towards a Smart Privacy-Preserving Incentive Mechanism for Vehicular Crowd Sensing

A trust-based privacy-preserving friend matching scheme in social Internet of Vehicles

Blockchain-Based Trust Management for Internet of Vehicles

DC-LTM: A Data Collection Strategy Based on Layered Trust Mechanism for IoT

Research on Manhattan Distance Based Trust Management in Vehicular Ad Hoc Network

BAVC: Efficient Blockchain-Based Authentication Scheme for Vehicular Secure Communication

Privacy-Preserving Smart Road Pricing System in Smart Cities

PDE-based Analysis of Automotive Cyber-Attacks in Imperfect Information Scenarios

Secure Estimation and Attack Isolation for Connected and Automated Driving in the Presence of Malicious Vehicles

Privacy-Preserved Federated Learning for Autonomous Driving

Poster: A Machine Learning based Hybrid Trust Management Heuristic for Vehicular Ad hoc Networks

VANET Blockchain: A General Framework for Detecting Malicious Vehicles

A Hybrid Trust Management Heuristic for VANETs

Decision Making for Autonomous Vehicles at Unsignalized Intersection in Presence of Malicious Vehicles

Improve cybersecurity of C-ITS Road Side Infrastructure Installations: the SerIoT - Secure and Safe IoT approach

Machine Learning Based Trust Model for Misbehaviour Detection in Internet-of-Vehicles

DMap: A Distributed Blockchain-based Framework for Online Mapping in Smart City

A secure message-passing framework for inter-vehicular communication using blockchain

Reputation based Intelligent Control Protocol

Secure and Intelligent QoS aware Routing Protocol for VANET Environment

A New Fuzzy Logic Based Model for Location Trust Estimation in Electric Vehicular Networks

Trust prediction based on grey exponential smoothing method in VANETs

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Malicious Vehicles 악성 차량

Malicious Vehicles 악성 차량
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