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Verifiable M+lst-Price Auction without Manager

Homology Feature Extraction Method of Malware Based on Genetic Algorithm and Association Mining

Multimodal biometric authentication for mobile edge computing

Efficient Maliciously Secure Two-Party Mixed-Protocol Framework for Data-Driven Computation Tasks

Privacy-Preserving Data Aggregation with Probabilistic Range Validation

Non-Interactive MPC with Trusted Hardware Secure Against Residual Function Attacks

Formalising oblivious transfer in the semi-honest and malicious model in CryptHOL

Machine Learning Based IoT Edge Node Security Attack and Countermeasures

Stormy: Statistics in Tor by Measuring Securely

Efficient privacy-preserving group-nearest-neighbor queries with the presence of active adversaries

Efficient Fair Multiparty Protocols Using Blockchain and Trusted Hardware

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Malicious Model 악의적인 모델

Malicious Model 악의적인 모델
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