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Lysine Salt sentence examples within − thioctic acid

Comparative Assessment of the Activity of Racemic and Dextrorotatory Forms of Thioctic (Alpha-Lipoic) Acid in Low Back Pain: Preclinical Results and Clinical Evidences From an Open Randomized Trial

Lysine Salt sentence examples within Ketoprofen Lysine Salt

The effect of ketoprofen lysine salt on mucosa of rat stomach after ethyl alcohol intoxication.

Amoxicillin/clavulanic acid/ketoprofen lysine salt

Unexpected Salt/Cocrystal Polymorphism of the Ketoprofen–Lysine System: Discovery of a New Ketoprofen–l-Lysine Salt Polymorph with Different Physicochemical and Pharmacokinetic Properties

More Lysine Salt 라이신염 sentence examples

Optimization of the interaction between Diclofenac and Ibuprofen with Benzalkonium chloride to prepare ocular nanosuspension.

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Lysine Salt 라이신염

Lysine Salt 라이신염
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