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SIRT5 Promotes Hepatocellular Carcinoma Progression by Regulating Mitochondrial Apoptosis

Enzymatic and Biological Characterization of Novel Sirtuin Modulators against Cancer

Protein acetylation: a novel modus of obesity regulation.

Post-translational Lysine Ac(et)ylation in Bacteria: A Biochemical, Structural, and Synthetic Biological Perspective

Histone Acetyltransferases and Stem Cell Identity

Histone deacetylase 8 interacts with the GTPase SmRho1 in Schistosoma mansoni

X-ray Crystallographic Snapshots of Substrate Binding in the Active Site of Histone Deacetylase 10.

Hypoxia-activated KDAC inhibitor: Taking a breath from untargeted therapy.

A Directed Evolution System for Lysine Deacetylases.

Structure-Based Prediction of KDAC6 Substrates Validated by Enzymatic Assay Reveals Determinants of Promiscuity and Detects New Potential Substrates

Evolved, Selective Erasers of Distinct Lysine Acylations

Peptide‐Based 2‐Aminophenylamide Probes for Targeting Endogenous Class I Histone Deacetylase Complexes

Lysine acetyltransferases and lysine deacetylases as targets for cardiovascular disease

Acetylation of conserved DVL-1 lysines regulates its nuclear translocation and binding to gene promoters in triple-negative breast cancer

Proteomic insights into lysine acetylation and the implications for medical research

Post-translational Protein Acetylation: An Elegant Mechanism for Bacteria to Dynamically Regulate Metabolic Functions

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Lysine Deacetylases 라이신 탈아세틸화효소
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