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The Predictability Limit of Ocean Mesoscale Eddy Tracks in the Kuroshio Extension Region

Potential predictability of the MJO during easterly and westerly phases of the QBO

Local Lyapunov sentence examples within local lyapunov exponent

The Predictability Limit of Ocean Mesoscale Eddy Tracks in the Kuroshio Extension Region

Potential predictability of the MJO during easterly and westerly phases of the QBO

Local Lyapunov sentence examples within local lyapunov function

Polyhedral Regions of Stability for Aperiodic Sampled-Data Linear Control Systems With Saturating Inputs

Computation of the stochastic basin Of attraction by rigorous construction of a lyapunov function

Learn more from Local Lyapunov 지역 랴푸노프

The Predictability Limit of Ocean Mesoscale Eddy Tracks in the Kuroshio Extension Region

Potential predictability of the MJO during easterly and westerly phases of the QBO

Noise Influence on the Estimation of Characteristics of Intermittent Generalized Synchronization Using Local Lyapunov Exponents

A multi-model study of atmosphere predictability in coupled ocean–atmosphere systems

Lyapunov Spectrum Local Assignability of Linear Discrete Time-Varying Systems by Static Output Feedback

Polyhedral Regions of Stability for Aperiodic Sampled-Data Linear Control Systems With Saturating Inputs

Decreasing predictability as a precursor indicator for abrupt climate change

Application of Backward Nonlinear Local Lyapunov Exponent Method to Assessing the Relative Impacts of Initial Condition and Model Errors on Local Backward Predictability

Computation of the stochastic basin Of attraction by rigorous construction of a lyapunov function

Port Hamiltonian modelling and control of a micro-channel

Model predictive control with stage cost shaping inspired by reinforcement learning

On lower-bound estimates of the Lyapunov dimension and topological entropy for the Rossler systems

Forecasting flutter echo: The role of largest local Lyapunov exponents

Determination of the Backward Predictability Limit and Its Relationship with the Forward Predictability Limit

A Nonlinear Dynamical Systems‐Based Modeling Approach for Stochastic Simulation of Streamflow and Understanding Predictability

Design Tools for Electrochemical Supercapacitors Using Local Absolute Stability Theory

Estimates of Decadal Climate Predictability From an Interactive Ensemble Model

A Lyapunov Function Construction for a Non-convex Douglas–Rachford Iteration

Hidden Coexisting Attractors in a Fractional-Order System without Equilibrium: Analysis, Circuit Implementation, and Finite-Time Synchronization

Learn more from Local Lyapunov 지역 랴푸노프

Local Lyapunov 지역 랴푸노프

Local Lyapunov 지역 랴푸노프
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