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Western Gondwana imaged by S receiver-functions (SRF): New results on Moho, MLD (mid-lithospheric discontinuity) and LAB (lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary)

Evolution of lithospheric mantle beneath mobile belt between two cratons: An example from the Oku Massif, Cameroon Volcanic Line (W Africa)

Stress-induced amorphization triggers deformation in the lithospheric mantle.

Geophysical reassessment of the role of ancient lineaments on the development of the western Laurentian margin and its sediment-hosted Zn-Pb deposits, Yukon and NWT, Canada

Quaternary melanephelinites and melilitites from Nowbaran (NW Urumieh-Dokhtar Magmatic Arc, Iran): origin of ultrabasic-ultracalcic melts in a post-collisional setting

Geodynamic significance of a buried transient Carboniferous landscape

Overview of regional gravity field computation models and application of a novel method in imaging the lithospheric architecture and destruction of the North China Craton

Eastern China continental lithosphere thinning is a consequence of paleo-Pacific plate subduction: A review and new perspectives

Variations of lithospheric strength in different tectonic settings

Lithosphere structure and its implications for the metallogenesis of the Nanling Range, South China: Constraints from 3-D magnetotelluric imaging

Lithospheric Deformation and Active Tectonics of the NW Himalayas, Hindukush, and Tibet

The ‘pargasosphere’ hypothesis: Looking at global plate tectonics from a new perspective

Joint modeling gravity, geoidal and geothermal of the Lithosphere in Sergipano Belt and tectonic implications, NE Brazil

Imaging the Upper Plate Lithosphere and Asthenosphere beneath Alaska with Sp Converted Waves

Thermobarometry of Diamond Inclusions: Evidence Mantle Evolution beneath Siberian Craton and Archean Cratons Worldwide.

Magma transport beneath mid-ocean ridges

The deep thermal structure of the lithosphere in the northwestern South China Sea and its control on the shallow tectonics

The intracontinental High Atlas belt: geological overview and pending questions

Geopotential evidence of a missing lithospheric root beneath the eastern Indian shield: An integrated approach

The pyroclastic breccias from Cabezo Negro de Tallante (SE Spain): Is there any relation with carbonatitic magmatism?

Eclogite xenoliths document water cycling at the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary

Review of the Heat Flow Mapping in Polish Sedimentary Basin across Different Tectonic Terrains

Lithosphere as a constant-velocity plate: Chasing a dynamical LAB in a homogeneous mantle material

Shear-wave velocity structure beneath Alaska from a Bayesian joint inversion of Sp receiver functions and Rayleigh wave phase velocities

Implications of thermal disequilibrium during channelized melt-transport for the evolution of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary in intraplate settings

Lithospheric structures beneath the western Mongolian Plateau: Insight from S wave receiver function

Crustal and lithospheric architecture of the Gulf of Mexico and its continental margins from ambient noise Rayleigh wave tomography

Lithospheric structure of the western Borborema Province from receiver functions and surface-wave dispersion: Implications for basin inversion

Complicated Lithospheric Structure Beneath the Contiguous US Revealed by Teleseismic S‐Reflections

Learn more from Lithosphere Asthenosphere Boundary 암석권 연약권 경계

Lithosphere Asthenosphere Boundary 암석권 연약권 경계

Lithosphere Asthenosphere Boundary 암석권 연약권 경계
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