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An introduction to additive manufactured heat pipe technology and advanced thermal management products

Heat transfer performance enhancement of liquid cold plate based on mini V-shaped rib for battery thermal management

An introduction to additive manufactured heat pipe technology and advanced thermal management products

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Heat transfer performance enhancement of liquid cold plate based on mini V-shaped rib for battery thermal management

Heat Transfer Enhancement of Liquid Cooled Copper Plate with Oblique Fins for Electric Vehicles Battery Thermal Management

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Investigation on liquid cold plate thermal management system with heat pipes for LiFePO4 battery pack in electric vehicles

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Novel battery thermal management system for electric vehicles with a loop heat pipe and graphite sheet inserts

Investigation of a liquid air energy storage (LAES) system with different cryogenic heat storage devices

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Design of High-power Fully Automatic Charging Device

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Numerical investigation on the performance of microencapsulated phase change material suspension applied to liquid cold plates

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Liquid Cold 액체 감기

Liquid Cold 액체 감기
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