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Narrow sentence examples with built-in keyword filters

Linear Prediction sentence examples within mel frequency cepstral

Monophone-based connected word Hindi speech recognition improvement

Classification between Elderly Voices and Young Voices Using an Efficient Combination of Deep Learning Classifiers and Various Parameters

Linear Prediction sentence examples within support vector machine

Prediction method of green transportation carbon emission in smart city based on gray joint algorithm

A Pathological Multi-Vowels Recognition Algorithm Based on LSP Feature

Linear Prediction sentence examples within frequency cepstral coefficient

Speech stress recognition using semi-eager learning

Improved Estimation of Parkinsonian Vowel Quality through Acoustic Feature Assimilation

Linear Prediction sentence examples within Perceptual Linear Prediction

Monophone-based connected word Hindi speech recognition improvement

Speech stress recognition using semi-eager learning

Linear Prediction sentence examples within Simple Linear Prediction

Solving dynamic multi-objective problems with a new prediction-based optimization algorithm


Linear Prediction sentence examples within Multichannel Linear Prediction

Split Bregman Approach to Linear Prediction Based Dereverberation With Enforced Speech Sparsity

Robust Dereverberation With Kronecker Product Based Multichannel Linear Prediction

Linear Prediction sentence examples within Domain Linear Prediction

Radically Old Way of Computing Spectra: Applications in End-to-End ASR

Dereverberation of Autoregressive Envelopes for Far-field Speech Recognition

Linear Prediction sentence examples within Excited Linear Prediction

Mel Scale-Based Linear Prediction Approach to Reduce the Prediction Filter Order in CELP Paradigm

Multiple Description Coding and Forward Error Correction Concealment Methods for ACELP Coders in Packet Networks

Linear Prediction sentence examples within Channel Linear Prediction

VLSI Implementation of Multi-Channel ECG Lossless Compression System

Multi-Channel Compression and Coding of Reverberant Ad-Hoc Recordings Through Spatial Autoregressive Modelling

Linear Prediction sentence examples within Combine Linear Prediction

Research of Robust Trajectory Tracking Control and Attenuated Chattering: Application on Quadrotor

A reversible steganography using prediction value coding and histogram shifting

Linear Prediction sentence examples within Marginal Linear Prediction

Is Happiness Linked to Subjective Life Expectancy? A Study of Chilean Senior Citizens

Cities and Violence: An Empirical Analysis of the Case of Costa Rica

Linear Prediction sentence examples within Use Linear Prediction

Substorm related patterns of electron density and conductance changes in the auroral zone.

Linear Prediction-Based Covariance Matrix Reconstruction for Robust Adaptive Beamforming

Linear Prediction sentence examples within Adaptive Linear Prediction

Stochastic Approximation Aided Adaptive Thresholding for Optical Detection in PAM4 Based FSO Transmission

A Blockchain-Enabled Energy-Efficient Data Collection System for UAV-Assisted IoT

Linear Prediction sentence examples within Unbiased Linear Prediction

Study specific prediction intervals for random‐effects meta‐analysis: A tutorial

Comparison of Genomic Prediction Methods for Yellow, Stem, and Leaf Rust Resistance in Wheat Landraces from Afghanistan

Linear Prediction sentence examples within linear prediction model

Predicting emergency department visits in a large teaching hospital

Edge-preserving adaptive autoregressive model for Poisson noise reduction

Linear Prediction sentence examples within linear prediction coefficient

Monophone-based connected word Hindi speech recognition improvement

Speech stress recognition using semi-eager learning

Linear Prediction sentence examples within linear prediction cepstral

Late fusion framework for Acoustic Scene Classification using LPCC, SCMC, and log-Mel band energies with Deep Neural Networks

Effect of Feature Dimension on Classification of Speech Emotions

Linear Prediction sentence examples within linear prediction coding

Gain-optimized spectral distortions for pronunciation training

An application of automatic event detection based on neural network at St Gallen (Switzerland) deep geothermal field

Linear Prediction sentence examples within linear prediction method

Improved Feature-Position-Based Sensorless Control Scheme for SRM Drives Based on Nonlinear State Observer at Medium and High Speeds

Automatically mining Relevant Variable Interactions Via Sparse Bayesian Learning

Linear Prediction sentence examples within linear prediction cepstrum

Classification between Elderly Voices and Young Voices Using an Efficient Combination of Deep Learning Classifiers and Various Parameters

A Unique Glottal Flow Parameters based Features for Anti-spoofing Countermeasures in Automatic Speaker Verification

Linear Prediction sentence examples within linear prediction algorithm

A Blockchain-Enabled Energy-Efficient Data Collection System for UAV-Assisted IoT

Determining chaotic characteristics and forecasting tall tower wind speeds in Missouri using empirical dynamical modeling (EDM)

Linear Prediction sentence examples within linear prediction filter

Substorm related patterns of electron density and conductance changes in the auroral zone.

Modification of misarticulated fricative /s/ in cleft lip and palate speech

Linear Prediction sentence examples within linear prediction error

Scene-Agnostic Multi-Microphone Speech Dereverberation

Determinism and Non-linear Behaviour of Log-return and Conditional Volatility: Empirical Analysis for 26 Stock Markets

Linear Prediction sentence examples within linear prediction result

Lossless Compression of Bilevel ROI Maps of Hyperspectral Images Using Optimization Algorithms

Dam Deformation Interpretation and Prediction Based on a Long Short-Term Memory Model Coupled with an Attention Mechanism

Linear Prediction sentence examples within linear prediction approach

Linear Prediction-Based DOA Estimator in Non-Uniform Noise

Two-Stage Estimator for Frequency Rate and Initial Frequency in LFM Signal Using Linear Prediction Approach

Linear Prediction sentence examples within linear prediction denoising

Uncertainty in denoising of MRSI using low-rank methods.

Uncertainty in denoising of MRSI using low-rank methods

Linear Prediction sentence examples within linear prediction technology

Human Micro-Doppler Frequency Estimation Using CESP-Based Viterbi Algorithm

Prediction model based on the Laplacian eigenmap method combined with a random forest algorithm for rainstorm satellite images during the first annual rainy season in South China

Study on construction control system of continuous rigid frame bridge with corrugated steel webs

A precise and rapid isotopomic analysis of small quantities of cholesterol at natural abundance by optimized 1H-13C 2D NMR

A novel adaptive linear prediction-based parameter estimation method for monitoring sub-/inter-harmonics during SSI events

The effect of incoming boundary layer thickness and Mach number on linear and nonlinear Rossiter modes in open cavity flows

Hybrid Smart Systems for Big Data Analysis

An improved lossless image compression algorithm based on Huffman coding

Balanced Constrained Carbon Equilibrium Accompanied by Carbide Precipitation

Speckle Noise Detection and Removal for Laser Speech Measurement Systems

Nonlinear prediction via Hermite transformation

More Linear Prediction 선형 예측 sentence examples

Prediction of the motion of chest internal points using a recurrent neural network trained with real-time recurrent learning for latency compensation in lung cancer radiotherapy

Prediction of China’s Housing Price Based on a Novel Grey Seasonal Model

Multi-level multi-state modelling applied to hospital admission in mexican patients with COVID-19

Blind Signal Dereverberation Based on Mixture of Weighted Prediction Error Models

StO2 Stress Detection Based on Fewer Wavelengths Through Linear Prediction Algorithm

Comparative and analysis of evaluation of several direction of arrival estimation methods

Generalized stochastic Frank–Wolfe algorithm with stochastic “substitute” gradient for structured convex optimization

More Linear Prediction 선형 예측 sentence examples

A Measure of Prediction Precision for Granger Causality Analysis

Nonlinear dynamics of cycle-to-cycle variations in a lean-burn natural gas engine with a non-uniform pre-mixture

Finite Impulse Response Filters for Stagger-Period Signals, their Designs and Applications

Application of LPCF model based on ARIMA model to prediction of water quality change in water supply system

Adaptive Practical Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Echo State Network Models.

High impedance fault detection based on linear prediction

Vowel Non-Vowel Based Spectral Warping and Time Scale Modification for Improvement in Children’s ASR

Linear Prediction 선형 예측

Linear Prediction 선형 예측
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