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Position-aware lightweight object detectors with depthwise separable convolutions

Enriching Variety of Layer-Wise Learning Information by Gradient Combination

Lightweight Object sentence examples within lightweight object detection

L-Net: lightweight and fast object detector-based ShuffleNetV2

3D-LIDAR Based Object Detection and Tracking on the Edge of IoT for Railway Level Crossing

Lightweight Object sentence examples within lightweight object detector

A new multi-scale backbone network for object detection based on asymmetric convolutions

SSD7-FFAM: A Real-Time Object Detection Network Friendly to Embedded Devices from Scratch

Learn more from Lightweight Object 경량 개체

Development and Grasp Stability Estimation of Sensorized Soft Robotic Hand

Design and Fabrication of a Bio-inspired Soft Robotic Gripper

RUR53: an unmanned ground vehicle for navigation, recognition, and manipulation

SFPD: Simultaneous Face and Person Detection in Real-Time for Human–Robot Interaction

[Association between fear of falling and activities of daily living among community-dwelling Japanese older adults].

Learn more from Lightweight Object 경량 개체

Lightweight Object 경량 개체

Lightweight Object 경량 개체
Encyclopedia 백과사전