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Description and phylogenetic relationships of a new genus of Planoceridae (Polycladida, Acotylea) from Shimoda, Japan

Structural Comparison of Diplonemid Communities around the Izu Peninsula, Japan

An Additional New Species of Turbo (Marmarostoma) (Gastropoda: Turbinidae) from the Middle Miocene of the Izu Peninsula, Central Japan

Cocotropus aurantius, a new velvetfish (Aploactinidae) from Japan

Life history of the sesarmid crab, Clistocoeloma villosum , on the southern coast of the Izu Peninsula, central Japan

Bayesian Network Analysis for the Questionnaire Investigation on Tourists’ Behavior in the View Point of Service Marketing

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Izu Peninsula 페닌슐라 위크

Izu Peninsula 페닌슐라 위크
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