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Decision Support System for Share Investment Using The Capital Assetpricing Method (CAPM)

Improved TODIM method for intuitionistic fuzzy MAGDM based on cumulative prospect theory and its application on stock investment selection

Investment Selection sentence examples within investment selection problem

Investment Selection Based on Bonferroni Mean under Generalized Probabilistic Hesitant Fuzzy Environments

Group decision-making based on the aggregation of Z-numbers with Archimedean t-norms and t-conorms

A Bonferroni mean considering Shapley fuzzy measure under hesitant bipolar-valued neutrosophic set environment for an investment decision

Optimal investment selection of regional integrated energy system under multiple strategic objectives portfolio

Multi-market Portfolio Optimization with Conditional Value at Risk

Sustainable Consumption and Production, Climate Change and Firm Performance

How does Venture Capital Influence Firm Innovation? A Literature Review and Prospects

A Note on Markowitz Model

A bi-level programming approach for global investment strategies with financial intermediation

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Investment Selection 투자 선택

Investment Selection 투자 선택
Encyclopedia 백과사전