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Synchronization of multiplex networks with stochastic perturbations via pinning adaptive control

Tailoring the magnetic ordering of the Cr4O5/Fe(001) surface via a controlled adsorption of C60 organic molecules.

Synchronization scenarios in three-layer networks with a hub.

Synchronization of wave structures in a heterogeneous multiplex network of 2D lattices with attractive and repulsive intra-layer coupling.

Topological Weyl magnons and thermal Hall effect in layered honeycomb ferromagnets

Topology identification for multi-layer complex dynamical networks with intra-layer coupling time delay

Vulnerability assessment of China-Europe Railway Express multimodal transport network under cascading failures

Repulsive inter-layer coupling induces anti-phase synchronization.

Learn more from Intra Layer Coupling 인트라 레이어 커플링

Intra Layer Coupling 인트라 레이어 커플링

Intra Layer Coupling 인트라 레이어 커플링
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