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Intelligent Vehicular sentence examples within Secure Intelligent Vehicular

Secure Intelligent Vehicular Network Using Fog Computing

Real-Time Detection of DoS Attacks in IEEE 802.11p Using Fog Computing for a Secure Intelligent Vehicular Network

Intelligent Vehicular sentence examples within intelligent vehicular network

Authentication strategies in vehicular communications: a taxonomy and framework

Comprehensive Survey on Machine Learning in Vehicular Network: Technology, Applications and Challenges

Intelligent Vehicular sentence examples within intelligent vehicular application

Resource Allocation for Delay-Sensitive Vehicle-to-Multi-Edges (V2Es) Communications in Vehicular Networks: A Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach

Optimal design of low computational burden model predictive control based on SSDA towards autonomous vehicle under vision dynamics

Learn more from Intelligent Vehicular 지능형 차량

Intelligent Vehicular sentence examples within intelligent vehicular communication

Machine-Learning-Based Scenario Identification Using Channel Characteristics in Intelligent Vehicular Communications

Resource Efficient Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) Communication Systems for Electric Vehicle Enabled Microgrids

Intelligent Vehicular sentence examples within intelligent vehicular transport

VANET: Framework, Challenges and Applications

Infrastructure Wi-Fi for connected autonomous vehicle positioning: A review of the state-of-the-art

Intelligent Vehicular sentence examples within intelligent vehicular system

A Drone-Aided Blockchain-Based Smart Vehicular Network

Deep Reinforcement Learning for Adaptive Network Slicing in 5G for Intelligent Vehicular Systems and Smart Cities

Investigating long-term vehicle speed prediction based on BP-LSTM algorithms

Intelligent Vehicular 지능형 차량

Intelligent Vehicular 지능형 차량
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